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Rory Markham Fought with a Collapsed Lung at UFC 95

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  • Rory Markham Fought with a Collapsed Lung at UFC 95

    Acabo de leer esto y me parece increible Rory peleo contra Dan con un pulmón reventado (perdónenme pero no se si es la palabra justa en español :-[). Por causa de corta peso. :o

    Rory Markham Fought with a Collapsed Lung at UFC 95 26 Feb 2009

    Rory Markham (16-5) only lasted one minute and nine seconds against Dan Hardy at UFC 95 last Saturday, suffering a knockout loss, but according to a message board post by Sam Sheridan -- author of the critically acclaimed book A Fighter's Heart -- he went through the fight with a collapsed lung.
    According to Sheridan's post on
    Rory's a friend of mine, and he's NOT making any excuses, but this is a pretty crazy story. He had a terrible weight cut in London, and cramped so badly after the weigh-ins that one of his lungs collapsed. He didn't even know it. He just said he was feeling pretty shitty.
    After the knock-out, he got x-rayed, and the Doc said "Can I X-ray your chest, it looks weird?" and Rory said sure, and they said "You have a collapsed lung." He had to stay in London 2 days for observation, and I think he's got 120 day medical suspension.
    The only thing he said to me was "That was the worst weight cut I've ever done...I know what hell is like."
    I'm not making excuses for him, and Rory definitely isn't--he knows it wasn't his night. Dan Hardy's a tough guy. But that is some crazy shit. IMO he's got to make the switch to 185. Just giving the UG the heads up.
    Needless to say, that's pretty crazy if Markham went through a fight, no matter how long, with a collapsed lung. As Sheridan's post says, this shouldn't be used to downplay Hardy's accomplishment or suggest Markham is making excuses. As the old saying goes (sort of), if you're able to step into the cage and fight, then you were healthy enough. Either way, it's an intriguing bit of news.

  • #2
    Re: Rory Markham Fought with a Collapsed Lung at UFC 95

    espero que al menos sirva para que los luchadores se den cuenta que no pueden cortar tanto.
    "Things you focus on will grow bigger, so focus on positivity" Marloes Coenen


    • #3
      Re: Rory Markham Fought with a Collapsed Lung at UFC 95

      Deberia haber un control más duro antes del evento ¿no? Siendo UFC, si llega a pasar una desgracia, además de la vida de una atleta, tendriamos que lamentar los comentarios sobre las mma en la fea boca de algunos periodistas...


      • #4
        Re: Rory Markham Fought with a Collapsed Lung at UFC 95

        Originalmente escrito por Merrill el Merodeador
        espero que al menos sirva para que los luchadores se den cuenta que no pueden cortar tanto.
        Puff totalmente de acuerdo.

        Que piensas de las salvajadas que enseñan en TUF cuando toca cortar peso? No se ,me acuerdo del mulato de la primera temporada o del hermano de Guida en esta última.


        • #5
          Re: Rory Markham Fought with a Collapsed Lung at UFC 95

          Pues nada volveremos a escuchar noticias tipicas de los viejos tiempos del boxeo: boxeador muere mientras entrenaba con plasticos por deshidratacion.

