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Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

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  • Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

    Interesante entrevista

    "I want to fight several people from different organizations. My goal for this year is to fight Fedor and at K1, I would like to fight Remy Bonjasky and of course, in the UFC, Brock," stated MMA heavyweight Alistair Overeem as he talked about his future plans and goals for the new year. Check out what else he had to say.

    PC: How is everything going my man?

    AO: Very good. I just got back from the UFC in Ireland, which was good, and before that, a nice Holiday in Miami.

    PC: You've strung together some nice wins, including your last submission win over Gary Goodridge. Where would you rank your win over Badr Hari and were you hoping it was Cro Cop instead?

    AO: Well, I defeated Badr Hari, which was an even bigger achievement I think.

    PC: You stay in great physical shape. Could you tell me a little of your workout and training routine?

    AO: I follow a special diet with a lot of protein and I workout daily to gain strength and endurance.

    PC: It's been awhile since you have fought in the States for Strikeforce. When can we expect to see you fighting in the US again?

    AO: Not sure, but surely I'll have to defend my title this year.

    PC: Will you eventually like to fight in the UFC and if so, is there anyone in particular that you would like to fight from that organization?

    AO: Well, I want to fight several people from different organizations. My goal for this year is to fight Fedor and at K1, I would like to fight Remy Bonjasky and of course, in the UFC, Brock!

    PC: How would a fight between you and Brock Lesnar play out and what do you think of him as the champion?

    AO: He is big, he is strong, but he is human and every human has a weakness. Once the time is there, I'll start to study him more closely.

    PC: Alistair, you have fought the best of the best and you're not even 30 years old. Who would you say was your toughest opponent to date?

    AO: I've beaten several tough opponents. Vitor Belfort was tough and so was Igor Vovchanchyn, although that fight didn't last that long. Kharitonov is also a tough guy. Shogun I think is also a super talent and my last fight against Badr Hari has also been a good win.

    PC: You have a nice win streak going. What have been the keys to your consistency of late?

    AO: Surrounding myself with the right people and training hard.

    PC: You've competed in both a ring and cage. Which one are you more comfortable in?

    AO: Doesn't matter to me; both have ups and downs.

    PC: FEG, "Dynamite" on New Year's Eve, all signs appeared that you would be re-matching Mirko. What happened to that fight?

    AO: He declined the offer to fight me.

    PC: I had you well ahead in the first fight, of course it was ruled a no-contest because of the knee. Do you think Cro Cop was looking for a way out of that fight?

    AO: I'm100% sure that he did.

    PC: If you are ever able to rematch Mirko, would you be reluctant to throw your knees or can we expect the same type of gameplan if the fight was to happen?

    AO: It will be a different gameplan. Cro Cop has more than one weakness.

    PC: I would still like to see that fight happen. Would you take him out this time?

    AO: Yes, with a massive KO (laughing).

    PC: Thanks for your time and doing this interview with me. Good luck this year. Is there anything you want to say in closing?

    AO: I'm looking for some nice new sponsors so if anybody is reading this, get in touch with me. I also encourage everyone to visit my website at


    mmmm en forma a base de proteinas, pude ser de esa manera.

  • #2
    Re: Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

    Este pibe se está flipando con la bomba que se ha metido en el cuerpo.
    Debes ser como el luchador de Pankration, y no el gladiador que si deja a un lado la espada que usa, está muerto; el otro siempre tiene su mano y no ha de hacer más que cerrarla.
    Marco Aurelio, filósofo y Emperador de Roma


    • #3
      Re: Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

      Este chaval se ha vuelto a pinchar, ¿no?. ;D ;D ;D


      • #4
        Re: Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

        "el incremento de la segregacion de testosterona afecta sobre la conducta, caracter etc...."
        ..en fin

        PD: Y Aun no entiendo como le gano al de Morroco...(en el K1)...


        • #5
          Re: Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

          Originalmente escrito por ildecs
          Este chaval se ha vuelto a pinchar, ¿no?. ;D ;D ;D
          lo msimo digo jaja


          • #6
            Re: Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

            si quiere a fedor q se ponga a la cola antes estan, barnett, couture, lesnar....


            • #7
              Re: Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

              q se pegue Fedor una vez a la semana x favor :)


              • #8
                Re: Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

                Una gran cantidad de proteinas... jajaja... se le va la olla...


                • #9
                  Re: Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

                  sólo le falta decir tb q se quiere pegar tb con Valuev como el amigo bielorruso ese q noqueó Fedor anoche


                  • #10
                    Re: Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

                    Originalmente escrito por Jarret
                    sólo le falta decir tb q se quiere pegar tb con Valuev como el amigo bielorruso ese q noqueó Fedor anoche
                    NO SPOILERSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                    Mas arriba hay un post fijo con los resultados de Afliction, seguro que hay mucha gente que no lo vio por trabajo o por cualquier cosa, no hablemos mas de resultados por favor...


                    • #11
                      Re: Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

                      perdona, tienes razón, es q me caliento y no pienso, lo siento


                      • #12
                        Re: Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

                        que pelee con el para ver como le parte el culo jajaja


                        • #13
                          Re: Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

                          ya te digo


                          • #14
                            Re: Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

                            Es normal, la fama y el dinero en AMM ,hoy por hoy, están enfrentándose a Fedor (y ganando si puedes).
                            Todos los luchadores querrian ese combate.
                            En Box pasó lo mismo con Tyson en su época.
                            Como no sabia que era imposible, fué y lo hizo...


                            • #15
                              Re: Alistair Overeem quiere a Fedor

                              Visto lo que cobro Andrei por pegarse con Fedor yo por un tercio me pegaba y mas

