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Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

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  • #31
    Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

    Muchas gracias por la currada.

    Sobre el espinoso tema de la carcel, me remito a una entrevista que le hicieron a Fedor y que Bud(grande) puso por aqui:

    "They say Aleksander was even in prison?
    Fedor: It's true. They gave him five years, but released him before that. Three and a half years.
    He was charged with a robbery?
    Fedor: There were many episodes. Don't want to bring up the past.
    Is it an accomplishment to lose 3 years and be able to return to the ring?
    Fedor: No. In his case it's far from an accomplishment. Even though 3 and a half years really held back his growth as an athlete. And in the social life Aleksander became different. Prison really made its imprint. His outlook on life has changed, and it seems, not in a good way."

    Viene a decir que si, que Aleks fue condenado a 5años y que cumplió 3y medio


    • #32
      Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

      me queda algo por traducir, la quinta y ultima parte, estoy en ello, hay mucho curro antes de las vacaciones


      • #33
        Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

        Afortunadamente, NO TIENE HEPATITIS B, el tio tonto llegó tarde a la revisión (2 dias) y nada, fuera

        Days after Aleksander Emelianenko was forced to withdraw from Affliction: Banned due what the CSAC termed as "failing to meet all licensing requirements", heavy rumors persisted that Emelianenko had contracted hepatitis B and could possibly be forced into early retirement.
        Aleksander spoke out today about the real reasons behind his dismissal from Affliction's inaugural event and addressed rumored health concerns in an interview with
        Below is a brief description of the interview:

        In the video interview with Aleks claims that he was simply late. He says there is absolutely nothing wrong with him physically.

        He says that according to the CSAC he was supposed to be tested on 13th. He only received a visa on 14th and came to US on 15th. He was hoping that they would be able to still work everything out - but apparently the CSAC is very strict on everything.


        • #34
          Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

          GENIAL, un aplauzo para bdspcr ;D obrigado cara !!


          • #35
            Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia


            Sobre si hay derrotas que le gustaria vengar:

            Emelianenko: Si, si hay. Pero toda aquella gente en este punto a tiempo. Me ofreci para mi de luchar con Barnett ahora, y ellos no quieren. Nosotros nos sentábamos juntos, y dije vamos a luchar. Y él dijo que no quiero luchar, usted es un luchador magnifico.

            La última vez cuando luchamos yo estaba enfermo. Me explicaré. Sali a luchar con fiebre. Yo tenia una temperatura 37


            • #36
              Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

              Gracias a ti Bud;)


              • #37
                Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

                Gracias por tamaña traduccion.

