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Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

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  • Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

    The industry pioneer in UFC, Bellator and all things MMA (aka Ultimate Fighting). MMA news, interviews, pictures, videos and more since 1997.

    "I'm ready. It doesn't matter with who or where. On foot or on horseback. With maces or poleaxes. To fight. To first blood or to death. It doesn't matter, I'm ready to fight." -- Aleksander Emelianenko

    Living in the shadow of a big brother isn't easy.

    When you are in the same profession and he's more accomplished and better known, it's hard to stand in the spotlight unobstructed, as your own man. Side by side, the achievements that you've worked your whole life for, that you've gone through hell for in order to become a better person are less dazzling, less impressive when compared to his. You have less say in your fighting future, less media attention when he's caught in a perpetual avalanche of flash bulbs and microphones. You're fighting on the televised undercard when he's headlining the pay-per-view.

    Last month I traveled to St. Petersburg, Russia, to spend some time with Aleksander Emelianenko and his family. I wanted to get to know the man, to go beyond the reputation, the rumors. I went to see through the web of tattoos and find out who he really is and what life means to him. To observe him alone, in other words, if only fleetingly.

    St. Petersburg, often called the Venice of the North, is only 600 kilometers south of the North Pole. Because of the tilt of the planet, during summer in the northern hemisphere, it's light here almost 24 hours a day for most of a month and a half. Celebrating warm weather and perpetual daylight -- it's the exact opposite in winter -- the people here often spend whole nights outside, taking in the atmosphere, sightseeing, partying. The center of the city is beautiful, green, airy, built almost entirely in the same style of architecture dating back to its founding just more than 300 years ago.

    I like being here. It's refreshing to hear and see so many foreigners (tourism is still in embryonic stages in Russia, and it's still startling to hear other languages spoken around you). The city gives me hope for the future, glimpses of a Russia that is an inextricable part of Europe, whose citizens feel part of the world community and can come and go as they please. This freedom, what St. Petersburg represents, is perhaps part of the reason Aleksander Emelianenko chose to move here in 2003, leaving behind his home city of Stary Oskol and his past there for good.

    Aleks and his family live in a pre-Stalin-era building, not far from Nevsky Prospect -- St. Petersburg's main street and the cultural and business heart of the city. The sprawling, sweeping staircase leading to their top-floor apartment is crumbling, dilapidated, looks like a movie set that had been submerged in deep water for a long time and then drained. The communal interiors of apartment buildings in almost the entire country are the same (particularly from this period or earlier): Mostly everything that didn't belong directly to someone was left to fight its own losing battle with entropy.

    In contrast, their apartment is large, modern, airy and cozy. Emelianenko, with his size and ink, looks incongruous amongst the baby furniture and toys, the artwork, the office corner. We settle in on opposing armchairs, Aleksander against a window and next to a very large photograph of him and his wife and decide to let the interview run for as long as it takes. The discussion is only briefly interrupted by the arrival of Olya Emelianenko, their 10-month-old daughter, and two small dogs. Outside, it's suddenly gotten darker and is now raining. Aleks helps with the stroller and we continue, every so often accommodating the opinions of his baby daughter, who's now happily perched on his knee.

    Initially I was going to write an article on Aleks based on the interview. However, back home in Moscow, going over the interview material, I quickly understood that I would never be able to fit even a small portion of everything that we talked about into a piece that wasn't the length of a New Yorker magazine article. So I think it's best to leave things as they are, and present the unabridged version of our discussion.

    One final point to make. You will inevitably be looking for confirmation or denial of the rumors that Aleks spent time in prison. He steadfastly maintains that he did not. Of his tattoos, he says that they are a collection of beautiful pictures, some of which he designed himself, and that any similarities to those in "Eastern Promises" are purely coincidental. Tell me about your very first memory. Not something that you think is important, but your very first.
    Emelianenko: I don't even know. Speaking honestly, my childhood seems shrouded in fog and I really don't remember any specific moments that really stood out.

    I do have, you know, fragments. I remember something here. Then when I talk about some occurrence, again I'll remember something else.

    I can remember that I was forgotten in kindergarten. My parents had to pick me up, and I almost ended up staying the night with the night watchman because they forgot to. Finally my mother came at almost midnight. They forgot that I was in the kindergarten. I was around 4 or 5 years old.

    My mother worked till late, so did my father. They were relying on each other to pick me up, and neither one managed it, and so they forgot about me. I waited with the night watchman, thought that I was spending the night there. She had already made a place for me to sleep, so that I would be ready for the next day. I was ready to go to sleep when they picked me up.

    School. I remember school. The very first day. I left. I ran away from school. I have a buddy, a friend who had already been there for a while. We had been going to kindergarten together at one time. His parents asked -- I mean they wrote him a note excusing him after lessons. And he came up to me and dishonestly convinced me that it was OK for me, too, to leave and go home. And it was my first day of school and, I don't know, I ran away.

    Then I came home to my mother and her belt. I remember we went to his house to play toy soldiers, other toys. We lived right next to each other. I came back home without a thought, thinking that there was going to be a celebration of my first day. And instead I got it really good with the belt. You can't just leave school like that.

    Later I remember I fought at school all the time. I even remember the first time I fought. For some reason I fought with older boys all the time -- those taller, bigger than me. And what's more, I always fought over silly, little things. First time was a week after I got to school, at the age of 6. And we fought not like kids like to -- to push each other with their shoulders or other such things. We fought for real. It was the first time I got hit in the face. I had bruises. But managed to beat my opponent who was about two years older than me. And at that age, even a year, in youth, makes a really big difference. His name was Yura, I think. What do you remember about Yura? Why did you fight?
    Emelianenko: He was in a parallel class to me. He'd been at school a long time, was much bigger than everyone else and, as follows, stronger and more arrogant than everyone else. And that's why we got into a fight. I went to try to pit my arrogance, my strength against him. And I hit and hit him, eventually winning and gaining the respect of other students.

    He hit me, I hit him. We clinched. I threw him, then hit and hit him once he was on the ground. He screamed until the teachers came and pulled me away. I was one of the biggest kids in my class, which has to be said. Biggest or second biggest in my class. School until the age of 10?
    Emelianenko: Yes, I remember. I remember. Until 12 I was a really good student. Then when I transferred

  • #2
    Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia (parte I)

    la verdad que siempre me ha resultado curiosa su vida


    • #3
      Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia (parte I)

      Me mola la primera frase sobre todo


      • #4
        Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia (parte I)

        Siento no traduciroslo, pq son 10 paginas de word, pero es bastante flipante, cualquiera q quiera conocer algo de este hombre, sus durisimos origenes, q haga un esfuerzo, vereis q insinua q estubo metido en alguna banda, gang o mafia... q muchos de sus antiguos colegas estan muertos o en la droga y q las ha pasado putas putas de chaval, casi sin comer y en la calle buscandose la vida


        • #5
          Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia (parte I)

          ¡Joder!,pues si que debe de estar interesante...


          • #6
            Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia (parte I)

            Y a su hermano no le ha pasado eso tambien??


            • #7
              Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

              Segunda parte: BRUTAL!!!

              In Part 2 of this exclusive interview, Aleksander Emelianenko discusses Kimbo, the UFC and killing a bear with a knife.

              On being European sport sambo champion:

              Emelianenko: I was finishing Polytechnic and had to go to the European Championships. I was just finishing up the third and final year, and I had to do my exams externally because I had to leave to compete. I would go speak to my tutors, study without the group and also get ready and go to the European Championships.

              Then I finished OK, passed everything. I have to be thankful to the tutors, who met me halfway, helped me out. They could have, you know. In most cases, you have a person and they hold some position, and they think that because of their position they can do whatever they want. They can make life for those depending on them very hard. But my tutors helped me. They understood that I am a sportsman, that I was never really going to be a welder or anything.

              I learn to learn, for the experience of learning. But not to be a welder. I know how to weld, but I am not a professional. It


              • #8
                Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

                la verdad, son 20 paginas de word, no tengo tiempo para ponerme a traducirlo, pero en serio, si os interesa este hombre intentar espabilaros a traducirlo como sea pq dice cosas muy curiosas, (el tipo es casi un intelectuá, muy alejado de lo q su aspecto da a entender)


                • #9
                  Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

                  Yo tampoco tengo tiempo, pero es muy interesante la entrevista, no tiene desperdicio lo que comenta sobre Kimbo, y UFC & Pride fc.


                  • #10
                    Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

                    enga que yo pillo a pinceladas pero no estaria nada mal esta historia dejarla al castellano algun dia


                    • #11
                      Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

                      sanka, para q te hagas una idea el tio ha cazado osos a la siberiana, con cuchillo-lanza...

                      el tio es aficionado a la literatura, al teatro, no bebe ni va a bares, comenta q a los deportistas en rusia no se les trata como se deberia, q la juventud rusa no hace deporte, solo bebe y fuma, q kimbo es un showman no un verdadero luchador. también justifica sus 3 derrotas (no me gusta eso). no comenta nada de q haya estado en el talego, puede ser q sea leyenda urbana...

                      no se, muchas cosas


                      • #12
                        Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

                        Originalmente escrito por |CabRa|
                        joder !! me interesa mucho el tema pero a ese nivel de ingles no llego :(((((((

                        gracias de todas formas, voy a intentar traducirlo de alguna manera.

                        Edito: va, si me ayudais un poco y con el traductor vamos traduciendolo poco a poco.

                        Voy pegando aqui los parrafos que voy traduciendo, luego los colocaremos bien. Alguien que domine bien ingles que me eche un cable para que no haya errores graves por favor:

                        " Estoy listo. No importa con quien o donde. A pie o a caballo. Con mazas o martillos. Luchar. A primera sangre o a muerte. No importa, estoy listo para luchar. " - Aleksander Emelianenko

                        Vivir en la sombra de un gran hermano no es facil.

                        Cuando estas en la misma profesion, y el es mejor y mas conocido, es dificil estar in the spotlight unobstructed, as your own man. Espalda con espalda, los logros para los cuales as trabajado toda tu vida, that you've gone through hell for in order to become a better person are less dazzling

                        tengo que salir, luego sigo.
                        Gracias cabra, no tengo mucho tiempo ahora para traducirlo todo, pero cualquier duda que tengas, no te compliques, simplemente la dejas en inglés y yo te la traduzco, asi la gente que no tenga mucho nivel lo podrá leer mas facil. Una lectura muy interesante.


                        Cuando estas en la misma profesion, y el es mejor y mas conocido, es dificil estar, en el punto de mira (de las cámarars, de los medios de comunicación) siendo tú mismo (en referencia a ser uni mismo vs ser el hermanisimo de alguien)

                        Espalda con espalda, los logros para los cuales as trabajado toda tu vida, por las experiencias que te han costado mucho (has pasado un infierno para obtener los resultados que querias) y que gracias a ellas te has convertido en una persona mejor, menos "deslumbrante" ( en referencia a esos deportistas que son todo pose, quriendo decir que ahora es una persona mas humilde)

                        Lo que me flipado es lo de cazar osos en siberia con una forca y un cuchillo...definitivamente, no intenten eso en casa amigos.


                        • #13
                          Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

                          ¡Joder chicos!,no puedo creer que lo vayais a traducir pero si es asi os mereceriais una camiseta como la que le van a regalar a Cobra ;D.En serio,si lo traducis se agradeceria un monton semejante esfuerzo.(Aunque sea a una frase por dia) ;)


                          • #14
                            Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

                            Originalmente escrito por GORILON
                            ¡Joder chicos!,no puedo creer que lo vayais a traducir pero si es asi os mereceriais una camiseta como la que le van a regalar a Cobra ;D.En serio,si lo traducis se agradeceria un monton semejante esfuerzo.(Aunque sea a una frase por dia) ;)
                            como slaga cobra no veas jeje


                            • #15
                              Re: Aleksander Emelianenko: La Historia

                              estoy en ello, cabrones, pero q sepais q sois una pandavagos

                              pq usando un traductor de, el, lo q sepais de ingles y sentido comun lo sacais en media hora

