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MMA Europe --

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  • MMA Europe --

    As many of you have witnessed during the last year, MMA-Europe website was one of the leading sources for news and information about the European MMA scene.

    After some discusion, the board of the website decided that the best way to promote the European reality was not to divide the info in several media channels but to team up with other online giant force and create a true powerhouse for news and info, updated in a daily basis. This way MMA Europe was shut down and the news team Staff is now writting and gathering info for Nokaut. This way, instead of having two diferrent sources you'll find everything you need in Nokaut.

    This measure was thought and taken to help developing and promotign our sport. MMA Europe would like to thank each and every one of you that appreciated and was part of our project.

    This partnership is up for about 1 week. Besides covering the Euro scene, Andre is also writting about the Brazilian scene, you can read the first two articles:

    - About this Saturday's events in Brazil:

    - Euro scene weekend report (last week):
    Porównuj ceny z! Moda, Fotografia, Telefony, RTV, AGD - sprawdź miliony ofert z tysięcy sklepów internetowych!
