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entrevista a tito ortiz donde sabeis

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  • entrevista a tito ortiz donde sabeis

    en el sitio mágico de videos han puesto una entrevista curiosa a Tito Ortiz que le hace Howard Howard Stern aqui algunas perlas de las cosas que habla.

    Howard interviews Tito.

    Topics include:
    His plans to leave the UFC
    Despite trying, he hasn't succeeded in getting Jenna Jamison pregnant
    Tried Scientology
    Believes there are gays in the UFC, but won't name names
    Initial anger towards his heroin-using parents, but feelings of love now for his now-clean mother
    Is living the American dream
    Older brothers used to beat him up to make him tough
    Is "one of the baddest guys on the Earth"
    Needs more money now because his ex-wife got all his money
    Jenna Jamison no longer has eyes for any other man (or woman) than him
    His new book "This is Gonna Hurt" is "doing real good"
    Wants to compete for three more years
    Was a drug dealer as a child to pay rent and buy food
    Represented by the William Morris agency, hopes to be an actor
    High-school wrestling is the best martial art for a kid to learn
    Used the phrase, "that's what she said" twice during the interview
    Men are attracted to him
    Wants all kids to "go to school"

  • #2
    Re: entrevista a tito ortiz donde sabeis

    Jenna Jamison no longer has eyes for any other man (or woman) than him

