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Entrevista a Alistair Overeem

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  • Entrevista a Alistair Overeem

    Alistair Overeem is the current Strikeforce heavyweight champion. He recently sat down with our Brazilian content partners over at Planet Tatame to update us on his current and future plans.
    Planet Tatami: You are considered a very good fighter, but a lot of people say that your cardio isn't very good, because in the second or third round you tire fast. Do you agree with that statement? Are you working on your cardio?

    Alistair Overeem: I was to light for my weight and I do not think I will have this same problem in the heavyweight division. I also went though some difficulties within my private, which resulted in bad karma and not the best preparations for a fight.

    Planet Tatami: How is your Jiu Jitsu training going ? Who is your BJJ coach ?

    Alistair Overeem: Martijn de Jong from Golden Glory.

    Planet Tatami: How many fights do you have in your contract with Strikeforce and K-1 ?

    Alistair Overeem: I have one more with K-1 with an option of two more. Strikeforce, my management is negotiating!

    Planet Tatami: Do you have any fight planned?

    Alistair Overeem: I will maybe fight on march 15th of the new Dream organization and I signed a deal to fight at its showtime events in the Amsterdam Arema on April 26th against Gilbert Yvel.

    Planet Tatami: Would like to have a rematch against someone in special ?

    Alistair Overeem: I am a heavyweight now and Kharitonov is with our team, its funny we even trained together after I lost that fight at the hero's show its 1-1!

    Planet Tatami: In which weight division do you prefere to fight, Heavyweight or Light Heavyweight?

    Alistair Overeem: Heavyweight .

    Planet Tatami: What did you think about the Pride's 'end'?

    Alistair Overeem: My manager bas Boon told me this would happen long before Fuji TV pulled the plug. I am happy with my management, he really knows what's going on in this industry and also made it possible form me to fight for the title in Strikeforce despite my poor performance that year!

    Planet Tatami: Feel free to send messages to your fans, sponsors ...

    Alistair Overeem: I am really serious with the MMA Sport again hungry to win more belts and defend the Strikeforce belt! AO is back!!!! For more information go to

  • #2
    Re: Entrevista a Alistair Overeem

    Gracias por la entrevista.
    Dice que se siente mas como en HW, yo no lo tengo muy claro.
    Otro mas para el Dreams de la semana que viene.


    • #3
      Re: Entrevista a Alistair Overeem

      Originalmente escrito por |CabRa|
      el tio es muy alto eh.. yo no soy partidario de bajar tanto de peso.
      coincido en que bajar de peso no siempre es la solucion., pero el problema de AO es que es un tio "facil" de dominar, y eso entre los pesados es poco menos que la muerte
      "Things you focus on will grow bigger, so focus on positivity" Marloes Coenen

