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K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

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  • #31
    Re: K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

    Yo apuesto por JZ y Buscape.

    Uffff, tiembla bulli, porque cuando cabra desafia ocurren cosas como estas:



    • #32
      Re: K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

      Se rumorea el Kharitonov vs Monson y el Cro Cop vs Mighty Mo


      • #33
        Re: K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

        Lo segundo.... va una firma en ello Sonreir

        A que si bulli Giñar
        jeje, ayer estuve viendo de nuevo jz vs shaolin, si jz se ha recuperado bien y esta en forma si yo fuera aoki empezaria a rezar o lo que hagan los japoneses. por cierrto habra que ir preparando algo por si gano

        Yo apuesto por JZ y Buscape.

        Uffff, tiembla bulli, porque cuando cabra desafia ocurren cosas como estas:
        jaja buenisimo


        • #34
          Re: K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

          Nada mal esos rumores que apunta bud... y Sakuraba no estara?


          • #35
            Re: K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

            Minowa vs Musculman se rumorea... ;D


            • #36
              Re: K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

              Un par de interesantes entrevistas:

              Entrevista a Miyata:

              Kazuyuki Miyata had an interview with DREAM. He fights Luis Buscape who is the MFC middleweight champion in Dream on Mar 15.

              - New MMA event, DREAM, starts on Mar 15. What do you think?
              I think MMA fans can see many exciting fights and they must be excited. We will have hard time though.

              - I heard you trained with former PRIDE fighters. What do you do if you fight against them? How to prepare for your fight?
              I didn't have to worry about that because I don't fight any PRIDE fighters in 1st round light weight GP. I train with many different fighters by visiting their gyms and I will change my training location for sure if I fight them.

              - What do you think about HERO'S being taken over by DREAM?
              I always said HERO'S is the MMA event of K-1, because many people didn't understand what HERO'S was by its name. I'm sad because HERO'S finally recognized by many people these days. Although, it is a great for us and MMA that 2 events worked together and created one big event.

              - What difference do you think HERO'S and PRIDE have?
              I think almost the same. People consider PRIDE fighters are stronger than others. I think that's not right because both events have champions in other events.

              - Do you feel any hard feeling to PRIDE fighters?
              I was defeated by Joachim Hansen and would like to defeat a PRIDE fighter next time. I would like to raise my motivation by putting myself as the opposition of PRIDE.

              - Do you have any particular PRIDE fighter you would like to fight?
              Well, I guess Japanese fighters?

              - Do you mean Aoki, Ishida and Kawajiri?
              It's hard for me to pick one of them because I train with everybody. They are all strong in the ground position and good at taking down.

              - What do you think about your opponent?
              He is an all-rounded fighter and especially his Jiu-jitsu is great.

              - What do you have to be careful?
              I don't see any problem if we just wrestle. Our fight is MMA and I have to watch his tackles.

              - You said you couldn't prove yourself really capable in the press conference on Feb 26.
              I couldn't display my ability in HERO'S but I hope I can prove myself in DREAM. I think I will get a confidence if I can win in this tournament.

              - Do you feel a sense of crisis because you didn't do well in HERO'S?
              Yes. This is my last chance. I'm going to do my best every fight and want to go on to the final.

              - Are you thinking to be a 1st DREAM lightweight champion?
              I try not to think about it. I focus on my upcoming fight.

              - Any message to your fans?
              I couldn't show my ability in my past and this is my last fight if I lose. I will show all I have and do my best.

              Entrevista a Kawajiri:

              DREAM official website updated with an interview of Tatsuya Kawajiri who fights on Mar 15.

              - Why did you choose DREAM?
              Because I want to have fights with top class fighters and be a top fighter in DREAM where the most high level fighters in the world gather around. I believe Japanese MMA is the best and would like to liven up MMA in Japan. I would like to be considered a No 1 fighter in Japan.

              - What does DREAM mean to you?
              DREAM is where the strongest fighter is decided, and I want to be the one.

              - Now HERO'S and PRIDE where you fought before are united. What difference do you think HERO'S and PRIDE have?
              I think all the lightweight fighters in both events are great. Although, PRIDE had top class fighters all over the world and a PRIDE champion meant to be a No.1 fighter in the world. I suppose our fans may look at this event from the viewpoint of PRIDE vs HERO'S. I definitely don't want to be defeated by HERO'S fighters.

              - What kind of impression did you have for HERO'S fighters?
              I thought they were in delicate positions.

              - How come?
              Well, I don't consider HERO'S an ideal MMA ring. This is my opinion and I know some people will disagree with me. PRIDE didn't try to attract people by inviting fighters who don't have skills but are just huge. Who have nothing but big impact and are just famous.

              - PRIDE was united with HERO'S though.
              The alliance of 2 events doesn't mean both fighters get along with each other. I think it works better to have a distance from HERO'S fighters to maintain a good fighting spirit.

              - What do you think about your opponent, Black Mamba?
              I wasn't expected to fight him though I had known he would fight in DREAM. Now, I'm very excited to fight him.

              - Did you know him?
              Yes. I have an impression that he is a dangerous fighter. He has a good kneeing technique and has long reaches and long legs, which are extraordinary in our weight class.

              - Tell me about your fight plan.
              I think he will attempt kneeing from the front. I'm going to avoid getting them. What I have to do to win is being aggressive, giving pressure and controlling the fight.

              - Mamba is from HERO'S.
              Yes. I want my audience to have a picture of PRIDE vs HERO'S. I want to defeat him but try not to get injured because this is the first round of the tournament. I want my audience enjoy watching my fight and feel how fun and exciting the MMA is.

              - How would you like to finish?
              I would like to win by KO or a submission. I'm particular about how I win. I always show my fans how good I am by defeating my opponent clearly. I want to be a fighter who fans can always expect my one side victory. I will condition well and fight with 100% confidence.

              - Do you have any particular techniques you want to use when you finish?
              Nothing. I will do anything to finish when I get a chance. I wouldn't mind KO by striking and will strike a lot in this fight.

              - Do you have any theme in this fight?
              Needless to say defeating him, I would like to impress my fans and other middleweight fighter by having a good fight and giving a strong impact. I focus on having a good mental condition though techniques are necessary. I would like to refresh by giving him lots of punches.

              - Any message to your fans?
              I will have an exciting fight and it would be nice everybody can come and see live. If you cannot, watch on TV.

              Y como curiosidad, Kazushi Sakuraba, abre su primer gimnasio oficial, el dia de mi cumple, 01 de abril ;)



              • #37
                Re: K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

                Menuda casualidad lo del gym y tu cumpleaños, felicidades


                • #38
                  Re: K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

                  Si, estube hablando con el, para concretar fechas y poner nuestras agendas al dia... :D :D :D

                  Originalmente escrito por Kazuyuki Miyata
                  - What difference do you think HERO'S and PRIDE have?
                  I think almost the same. People consider PRIDE fighters are stronger than others. I think that's not right because both events have champions in other events.
                  Una respuesta muy sensata de Miyata.


                  • #39
                    Re: K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

                    gran aportación esas entrevistas, gracias SAKU!! ^^.

                    Se sabe algo de si peleará Sakuraba??.



                    • #40
                      Re: K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

                      gracias saku!


                      • #41
                        Re: K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

                        Cro-Cop Vs "Kiss" Nakao, pretty much confirmed.

                        Salut !
                        To Perita Style


                        • #42
                          Re: K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

                          Originalmente escrito por sNk
                          Cro-Cop Vs "Kiss" Nakao, pretty much confirmed.
                          Asi me he quedado:



                          • #43
                            Re: K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

                            a ver si se atreve a besar a mirko igual que a herring, aunque en el plan que esta el croata ultimamente igual le devuelve el beso y los vemos en portada de la pagina de Pride que tiene merril en la firma


                            • #44
                              Re: K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

                              Si señor... Nakao nada menos... A levantar el vuelo Mirko... (intento ser irónico por si no se nota)

                              Qué manera de acabar una carrera macho :(


                              • #45
                                Re: K1 Dreams 15/3 : Heiwa Dream 1 LW GP - Aoki Vs Jz's

                                Os imaginais si pierde CC...?

