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Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

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  • Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

    Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

    Desde el 28 de Diciembre del 2007 se estrenó la serie Fight Quest, transmitida por Discovery Channel. En esta serie los 2 protagonistas Doug Anderson y Jimmy Smith hacen un tour alrededor del mundo para aprender algunos estilos de artes marciales en donde nos muestran las costumbres, tradiciones, cultura de cada artes marcial asi como ellos participan y entrenan las técnicas y acondicionamiento, para después de varios dias probar su aprendizaje contra un competidor local del estilo en turno.

    Cada episodio muestra una locación y estilo distinto, entre los cuales estan incluidos: Wushu en Dengfeng, China; Kali en Manila, Filipinas; Kyokushin Karate en Tokyo, Japón; Box en la Ciudad de México, México; Pencat Silat en Bandung, Indonesia; Savate en Marsellas, Francia; Hapkido en Seul, Corea; Jiu Jutsu Brasileño en Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; Krav Maga en Netanya, Israel; y Kajukenbo en California.

    Es parecida a la de human weapon, pero según mi parecer esta (fight quest) es mucho mejor, los dos presentadores son mejores que los otros y los entrenamientos son una pasada.... En los diferentes capitulos, cada presentador, se va con un maestro diferente y realizan un entrenamiento diferente hay alguno que son de la hostia "mirad el de karate el entrenamienbto de Doug (el del tattoo en el pecho) menudo entrenador cabron :o", para luego al 5

  • #2
    Re: Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

    no le sirve de mucho la rubber...
    "Things you focus on will grow bigger, so focus on positivity" Marloes Coenen


    • #3
      Re: Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

      Episode Guide:
      Location: Dengfeng, China
      Masters: Shi DeYang/Shi De Cheng
      Features: Hands, Feet, smashing things
      Premiere: Dec. 28, 2007

      Location: Manila, Philippines
      Masters: Cristino Vasquez/Leo T. Gaje Jr.
      Features: Knives, sticks
      Premiere: Jan. 4, 2008

      Location: Tokyo, Japan
      Masters: Shihan Yuzo Goda/Shihan Isamu Fukuda
      Features: Hands, feet, smashing things
      Premiere: Jan. 11, 2008

      Location: Mexico City, Mexico
      Masters: Ignacio "Nacho" Beristain/Tiburcio Garcia
      Features: Hands
      Premiere: Jan. 18, 2008

      Location: Bandung, Indonesia
      Masters: Rita Suwanda/Dadang Gunawan
      Features: Hands, feet, throws, weapons
      Premiere: Jan. 25, 2008

      Location: Marseille, France
      Masters: Christian Robert, Frank May/Frederic Baret/Laurent Bois/Patrick Gellat
      Features: Hands, feet
      Premiere: Feb. 1, 2008

      Location: Seoul, South Korea
      Masters: Kim Nam Je, Bae Sung Book/Ju Soong Weo
      Features: Feet, hands, throws
      Premiere: Feb. 8, 2008

      Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
      Masters: Breno Sivak, Renato Barreto
      Features: Grappling
      Premiere: Feb. 15, 2008

      Location: Netanya, Israel
      Masters: Ran Nakash, Avivit Oftek Cohen
      Features: Everything that hurts
      Premiere: Feb. 22, 2008

      Location: Bay Area, Calif.
      Masters: Charles Gaylord/Greg Harper
      Features: Hands, feet, throws
      Premiere: Feb. 29, 2008
      BIO presentadores:

      Born with a restless soul and a fighting spirit, 25-year-old Doug Anderson has already seen a lot of the world.

      A native of New Jersey, Anderson enlisted in the U.S. Army in 2002, and served for one intense and highly decorated year in war-torn Iraq. During his Army service Doug was part of the Rapid Deployment Force, and from 2004 to 2005, his infantry unit saw the most frontline combat of any in the war zone.

      It was during his time in the military that Doug first became interested in martial arts. After building is skills in Jiu-Jitsu, Doug became a personal bodyguard for a high-ranking Army officer serving in Iraq. After earning nine medals for his wartime service, Doug left the Army in 2005, and continued to pursue his martial arts training. To date, Doug has earned a blue belt in Jiu-Jitsu, and is also an impassioned student of Muay Thai kickboxing and traditional boxing.

      When he is not touring the world for Fight Quest, Doug volunteers with various civic organizations, spends time with his nieces and nephews, and enjoys drawing, painting and tattooing.


      With a record of six wins and one loss, Jimmy Smith is one of mixed martial arts' rising stars.

      In the cage, the 5'10", 175-pound Smith is known as a lighting-fast grappler who can destroy opponents in under three minutes. When it comes to facing Smith, if you're not smart enough to "tap-out," you may end up with a snapped tendon ... or worse.

      In addition to his MMA career, Smith has earned a Jiu-Jitsu Purple Belt and holds various Jiu-Jitsu titles including: the Joe Moreira Tournament Lightweight Champion, Copa Pacifica Welterweight Champion, Cleber Luciano Tournament Welterweight Champion, and the Paragon Tournament Champion. Smith also placed third in the Southern California Submission Pro-Am and the 2003 Gracie Open.

      Fighting is in Jimmy's blood: His grandfather was a boxer in the U.S. Army, and his father taught Jimmy the ins and outs of backyard brawling. Smith officially began his fighting career in high school on the wrestling team. While studying history at UCLA he joined the Jiu-Jitsu team and further perfected his grappling skills. After graduating from UCLA in 2000, Smith continued his martial arts studies with Team Punishment out of Huntington Beach. He fought in his first pro fight with Team Punishment in 2001, then moved to Los Angeles, where he currently resides and continues to fight professionally.

      When Smith is not traveling around the world kicking ass, he enjoys spending time on Venice Beach and rock climbing at Joshua Tree National Monument.


      • #4
        Re: Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

        Gracias!! Esta serie no la habia visto, mola.

        Tiene mejor pinta que la de human weapon. De momento he visto el capitulo de savat y los protas de Fight Quest lo han pillado mucho mejor que los de human weapon. Entrenan mejor.

        tengo ganas de ver los demás capitulos.

        El otro dia vi en Discovery Channel el primer capitulo de "Solo puede quedar uno"; en donde unos chicos van a entrenar y luchar grappling con una tribu sudaméricana. Me gustó por ver a las tribus y su estilo de grappling, pero los deportistas que mandaron no tenian ni idea de luchar e hicieron el ridiculo.


        • #5
          Re: Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

          Gracias por los enlaces!


          • #6
            Re: Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

            Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa te pasaste.....

            que genial tenia muchas ganas de ver esta serie.... y espero con ansias cuando den el de Bjj


            • #7
              Re: Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

              muchas gracias


              • #8
                Re: Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

                joer guapisiiiiiimooooooooooo, espero pongas tambien los links de los proximos capitulos sobre todo el de BJJ TOY FRITO POR VERLO, gracias


                • #9
                  Re: Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

                  jejjejeje ya tengo el de bjj


                  • #10
                    Re: Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

                    Haber los siguientes episodios ;)



                    • #11
                      Re: Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

                      si como si hubiera visto a Dios jajaja


                      • #12
                        Re: Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

                        ;D"Como si hubiera visto a Dios" ;D¡que bueno!


                        • #13
                          Re: Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

                          Por cierto bushido,excelente trabajo,se agradece muchisimo.


                          • #14
                            Re: Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

                            grande bushido grande


                            • #15
                              Re: Fight Quest por Discovery Channel

                              Por cierto bushido,¿vas a seguir poniendo los enlaces de los siguientes programas en este hilo?,seria el no va mas.

