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European Top Ten

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  • European Top Ten

    Hi everyone, first of all my apologies for not speaking any spanish. Just wanted to say that we released our brandnew European Top Ten, featuring europes finest.

    Willkommen bei der DENIC eG, der zentralen Registrierungsstelle und Betreiberin aller Domains mit der Länderendung .de im Internet.

    Feedback welcome, if there are any fighters you think i may have forgotten let me know


  • #2
    Re: European Top Ten

    You can put whatever you want here about european stuff, you're wellcome. As far as the rankings, good stuff as always, it's great to see Daniel Tabera there, maybe not the most talented guy but brave as a bull.

    Keep Euro MMA up !
    To Perita Style


    • #3
      Re: European Top Ten


      I had the pleasure of watching Daniel fight live in Belgium last month. He got caught in a tight guillotine early in the fight but fought out of it and outclassed his opponent on the floor. Great fighter, was really looking forward to his fight after his recent success in Japan. Curious to see where he will fight next.


      • #4
        Re: European Top Ten

        I can't tell you much... our mma community don't have the best relationship with Daniels camp :)
        To Perita Style


        • #5
          Re: European Top Ten

          :o :o :o

          yo se decir, yes; red, black, white y poco mas ;D


          • #6
            Re: European Top Ten

            Wellcome Ulrich!! ;D

            Very nice, good job; ¡what a beautiful image of Krazy Horse Bennett in the mainpage of your web!!! ;D

            About the european top ten: ¿Isn


            • #7
              Re: European Top Ten

              VERY INTERESANT, THANK YOU FOR THE EUROPEAN TOP TEN RANKING... JE JE que hambre pasaria en un pais sajon !


              • #8
                Re: European Top Ten

                your welcome!

                Karo lives and fights in the US, which excludes him from the European Top Ten. Still hes a great fighter, lets see how he deals with Alves.


                • #9
                  Re: European Top Ten

                  Parisyian is armenian. Armenia is in Asia, in fact


                  • #10
                    Re: European Top Ten


                    I Think that Joachim Hansen must to appear in European lightweight Top Ten

                    despite his Fall of level Sergei Kharitonov is more better than Zentsov yet he must be too in the heavyweight list

                    Greetings Carlos


                    • #11
                      Re: European Top Ten

                      ahh excuse me I don


                      • #12
                        Re: European Top Ten

                        no problem, some quality fighters are inactive here atm, like Manhoef, Kampmann, Kharitonov, Morkevicius or of course Hansen.


                        • #13
                          Re: European Top Ten

                          Originalmente escrito por budspencer
                          Parisyian is armenian. Armenia is in Asia, in fact
                          For Badspencer:

                          Armenia is an european countryfijo ;D. Although it doesn


                          • #14
                            Re: European Top Ten

                            en la wiki pone que es europa pero yo en el mapa la veo en asia entre iran, turquia y algunas ex-republicas de urss, es un poco extraño ???


                            • #15
                              Re: European Top Ten

                              Armenia es europeo, en lucha los armenios participan en el campeonato de Europa... cuando se dividió la Unión Soviética, quedaron: (toma google ;D) Armenia, Azerbaiyán, Bielorrusia, Estonia, Georgia, Kazajistán, Kirguistán, Letonia, Lituania, Moldavia, Rusia, Tayikistán, Turkmenistán, Ucrania, Uzbekistán... Y quitando dos que dudo, el resto son europeas

