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Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!

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  • #46
    Re: Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!

    lo q no se puede dudar de kimbo es q tiene una pegada criminal, boxea bien y aun tiene balance para no ser derribado. Espero q su proximo combate sea contra algo mas q el pobre tank

    A ver si otro rato os pongo la biografia de Tank, muchos os sorprendereis. Me ha dado pena, le a noqueado jodidamente y le ha hecho dañito


    • #47
      Re: Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!

      Hombre está claro que Kimbo está entrenando y que además tiene una base fisica muy buena, pero para mi hasta que tenga un combate serio no lo podré considerar un top sólo porque tenga una fama ganada anteriormente.

      (Es que ya he leido por otros foros que está a la altura de los tops yme tocó un poco la moral...)


      • #48
        Re: Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!

        No esta a la altura de los tops, y no deberia pelear con ninguno aun. Que haga 4 o 5 peleas mas (que en USA no es nada para los records que tiene la peña) y luego segun vaya, le suban el nivel.


        • #49
          Re: Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!

          hablaban de Ken Shamrock...


          • #50
            Re: Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!



            • #51
              Re: Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!

              There have been some discussion as to what happened regarding the fight. The blows to the back of the head, the pushing of the ref, and the mouthpiece/garbage. I sent one of the emails to Bas and this is his response, hopefully it will shed some light.

              Tank said a lot of bad stuff about Kimbo, than two days before the fight Kimbo hears that Tank started to attack me in interviews also. He felt that was very disrespectful and got really mad, I told him to keep his cool and don't lose it because it would effect his fight in the wrong way.

              So in the heat of the moment he hit him in the back of the head, trust me, I was very happy he didn't soccer kick him in the head, because to tell you the truth, I thought he was going to. Tank made it personal.

              Pushing the ref I didn't see as a big thing, he is just very focused and as you can see when you watch the fight, he didn't take his eyes of Tank and the ref pushes him back, he just pushed the ref's hand of off him, he didn't push the ref. He also appologizes in the cage with his body movement towards the ref if you watch it, it will say "I am sorry".
              Two guys are fighting, that's a lot of "testosterone flying around", the ref will understand this.

              He didn't throw the mouthpiece from Tank or himself away, some people threw something in the cage and he simply threw it back out. But somebody makes up that it is a mouthpiece and suddenly everybody is against Kimbo, they don't even bother to watch the replay and see what it really was, nope, its Kimbo so its wrong! See what I mean?

              The people on the internet have been saying bad things about Kimbo his whole career, nobody knows him personally, they just talk bad about him the whole time, so I don't really care anymore about those people, its a no win situation.

              They call him a circus act, he's a nobody, he's a thug, he's just scary looking and the list goes on and on, even Kimbo said that at least he deserves a name like "Rooky" or something, not circus act, I am telling you my friend, he trains hard and does a lot for it, he is one of the most honorable persons I know, he gives all his fans attention, he does everything right. But Tank made it personal and he responded in kind.

              So you are right with the puches to the head (but again, Tank made it personal) plus after the warning you saw that he listened good and just let Tank get up again.

              He will be good, people have been saying that Tank is going to KO him and that if Kimbo wins this fight he finally would be considered a fighter. Now he beats Tank up and they STILL find new things, he simply can't win.

              Tank probably is going to use this again as an excuse, he's a sore loser. He always said he didn't have any prepararion for his fights but this time he did had time, these are his own words.
              He's also said that he performed bad in the past because his mother just passed away, when he was two years or so, ago in Japan and fought Yoshida (8-28 2005!) he told me personally that in the past he didn't do good because his mother just passed away, what? Did she pass away twice? Because he fought between there an Kimbo three fights, Yoshida, Beuntello and Gary Turner.
              Saying things like that is very wrong, but he does it.

              When Kimbo was staring at Tank at the press conference Tank started telling Kimbo "Its only business Kimbo, its only bussines", that's your tought guy.

              There is another thing that happened between me and Tank a while ago at LAX and if he keeps talking like this I will tell that story also, I never did because he "made up" after that incident but how much more trash do I have to hear from him about me?

              That's it my friend, thanks for all the props, I hope you understand now a little bit about what has been going on "back stage" so to say.

              He'll be good next time, this was a great learning process so if somebody in the future makes it personal again, he will control his emotions. Remember that this is only his third pro fight. He tells in interviews that he is just a beginner when they ask him if he considers himself a top ten fighter, so he's very respectful there too. That's why I never got the "Kimbo hating" that's going on.

              One funny thing, just to let you know. People ask themselves why his hair on his chest was so weird shaven, the answer, he ran out of battery power, haha, this is too funny!
              That's it, Godspeed and party on
              Después de leer esto, una vez más (y ya van tres) me he visto "obligado" a ver una pelea de Kimbo ;D

              Esto es el problema de meter pandilleros en un competición deportiva, que no hacen otra cosa que tomárselo de forma personal y se ponen a meterle mascadas en la nuca a su rival "porque insultó a su entrenador en la radio" (lol). Dice Bas que menos mal que no se le puso a dar soccerkicks en la cabeza... si, menos mal Bas, menos mal :P

              PD: Me hace gracia lo que dice de que aún no controla sus emociones, que debemos entenderlo porque es aún su tercera pelea profesional, que es un benjamin en esto... de acuerdo, pero eso no quita que sea una persona de 34 años. Más que suficiente para diferenciar una competición de una pelea de bar.


              • #52
                Re: Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!

                Coincido con admin,aun no es nadie y tiene solo 2 combates...podrian ponerle a brock lesnar delante jeje que tb es novato....seria un gran combate y pienso que lesnar le arrancaria la cabeza..una vez kimbo estuviera debajo de gustaria ver como se lo quita de encima.... ;D
                un saludo


                • #53
                  Re: Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!

                  El buen boxeo de Kimbo se va a acabar en cuanto le metan un buen takedown


                  • #54
                    Re: Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!

                    ¿ que os parece la defensa del single leg q hizo Yves Edwards?,finalizando a su oponente con un rodillazo con la pierna de apoyo,para mi ha sido impresionante,un movimiento muy bonito,ademas de creativo.


                    • #55
                      Re: Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!

                      El rodillazo de Edwars, impresionante e inesperado, lo mejor de la velada sin duda...
                      Ya estoy deseando que le pateen el culo al macarra de Kimbo (lo de Lesnar me guuuusta...)
                      Como no sabia que era imposible, fué y lo hizo...


                      • #56
                        Re: Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!

                        pues kimbo no creo que sea ni tan bueno, ni desde luego tan malo...
                        es muy, pero que muy fuerte, es grande pero muy compacto, no le hemos visto la defensa de take down pero entrena con el guapo y eso malo no puede ser.
                        lesnar lo mate pero es que hablamos de un tio que ha sido sometido por un fiera del bjj, pero sera campeon de los pesados algun dia.

                        de momento con the most dangerous man in the world le veremos defender los derribos

                        (por cierto, edwards, deslumbrante, preciso y fuerte, un gran movimiento que seguro volveremos a ver)
                        "Things you focus on will grow bigger, so focus on positivity" Marloes Coenen


                        • #57
                          Re: Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!

                          Lo de Edwards estuvo muy guapo. Este tio antes apuntaba muy buenas maneras, pero después de la sangria de su combate con Joe Stevenson en UFC, se ha dedicado a pelear con segunda filas... y perdiendo muchas veces :(


                          • #58
                            Re: Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!

                            Lo de Abbott ha sido un desastre... Ricco Rodriguez a pesar de su increible masa de mantequilla ha sobrevivido por la gran calidad que tiene.
                            Lesnar vs Kimbo pues seria divertido ver cuanto tiempo tarde en llegar al suelo Kimbo!!.
                            Enfrentar a Ken Shamrock que creo que no gana ni al arcoiris hoy en dia con Kimbo pues no se.. que decir


                            • #59
                              Re: Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!

                              No cobra nada mal el señor Kimbo! :o


                              • #60
                                Re: Elite XC 16/02 : Street Certified -Kimbo vs Tank !!!

                                Pues tank tampoco!!! por cierto, Dana White ha dicho q Abbott entrará en el Hall of Fame de UFC

