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¿Una asociación unificada de mma?

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  • ¿Una asociación unificada de mma?

    ¿Una asociación unificada de mma?

    por lo poco que he entendido dice algo asi como que en nueva york se presentó la WAMMAo38;#65533;"First Sanctioning Body for Sport que unificará las MMA haran unos rankings independientes y los campenos de las distintas organizaciones lucharán entre ellos ??? y llevarán un tema medico de los luchadores, el presidente es un Ex agente del FBI ??? ???. no descifre mucho más pero la gente que comentaba la noticia en el foro donde lo lei los ponia a parir a todos ellos.

    un saludo

    [shadow=red,left]Wednesday, November 14, 2007
    Full Details On First Official MMA Sanctioning Body

    Jesse Derris sent along the following:

    MMA Veterans Launch WAMMAo38;#65533;"First Sanctioning Body for Sport

    WAMMA o38;#65533;" World Alliance of Mixed Martial Arts o38;#65533;" Will Rank Fighters, Establish Unified Rules, Ensure Safety of Fighters, Sanction World Championship Bouts

    Central Sanctioning Body Sets Stage for the First Inter-Promoter Fight Cards

    NEW YORKo38;#65533;"With MMA growing into a mainstream sporting power, a team of business and combat sport veterans today launched WAMMA, the first sanctioning body for the burgeoning sport. The World Alliance of Mixed Martial (WAMMA) will create the first weight division ranking system for MMA fighters, establish unified rules for the sport, ensure the safety and welfare of the fighters, and sanction world championship bouts. Most important, it will provide unifying legitimacy to the sport by enabling the best fighters in the world to face off against each other, no matter the promotion they work for.

    WAMMA will be headed up by President and CEO David Szady, a retired 33-year veteran of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. During his career with the FBI, David served as Assistant Director for Counter Intelligence, as a Presidential appointee as the first National Counter Intelligence Executive, and two years as the head of the CIA

  • #2
    Re: ¿Una asociación unificada de mma?

    esto no creo que funcione


    • #3
      Re: ¿Una asociación unificada de mma?

      si, vamos unos que han visto el filon y van a ver si pillan migajas
      "Things you focus on will grow bigger, so focus on positivity" Marloes Coenen

