Q: If Babalu goes out and gets his life together, will he be welcomed back to the UFC?
DW: Absolutely. I like Babalu. He's a good guy and a good fighter. Maybe he's just going through a weird time right now? Listen, we all make mistakes; we all do stupid s---. Like I said, had it been a knee, an elbow, or an ankle, it would be a whole different story.
DW: Absolutely. I like Babalu. He's a good guy and a good fighter. Maybe he's just going through a weird time right now? Listen, we all make mistakes; we all do stupid s---. Like I said, had it been a knee, an elbow, or an ankle, it would be a whole different story.
- Desde luego. Me gusta Babalú. Es un buen chico y un buen luchador. Quizá solo esté pasando por un momento malo. Todos cometemos errores, todos hacemos gilipolleces. Como he dicho, si hubiera sido una rodilla, un codo, o un tobillo, hubiera sido una historia totalmente diferente
Q: You commented on contract talks with Brock Lesnar after the weekend and pretty much guaranteed he'd be fighting for the UFC. Has there been any movement toward an official deal since you made those comments?
DW: Not yet. But the reason that I can say that is because I like Brock Lesnar as a person. He and I both get along personally and I like his management team. So usually when I sit down and start talking to people I've got a pretty good feeling of how I think things are going to go. I'm confident that I think I can come to a deal with these people.
DW: Not yet. But the reason that I can say that is because I like Brock Lesnar as a person. He and I both get along personally and I like his management team. So usually when I sit down and start talking to people I've got a pretty good feeling of how I think things are going to go. I'm confident that I think I can come to a deal with these people.
- Aún no. Pero la razón de que esté tan convencido es que Brock me gusta como persona. Nos caemos bien y me gusta su equipo técnico. Cuando me siento a hablar con alguien asi suelo tener la sensación de que las cosas irán como espero. Tengo confianza en que alcanzaremos un acuerdo con su gente.
Q: If Lesnar signs with the UFC, do you think he'll face top competition right out of the gate, or will he have to work his way up the ladder?
DW: There's nothing but (top competition) in the UFC. You don't walk into the UFC and fight easy guys -- it doesn't happen.
DW: There's nothing but (top competition) in the UFC. You don't walk into the UFC and fight easy guys -- it doesn't happen.
- No hay nada que no sea competir con tops en UFC. Nadie llega a UFC y pelea con luchadores flojos. Eso nunca sucede
Q: But would he fit right into the title picture or would he have to build his way up?
DW: He's only had one MMA fight, but the guy has been wrestling his whole life. I've talked to people who I respect in the business who have trained with him and have trained him and say this guy is really talented. I see a lot of potential for him.
DW: He's only had one MMA fight, but the guy has been wrestling his whole life. I've talked to people who I respect in the business who have trained with him and have trained him and say this guy is really talented. I see a lot of potential for him.
- Solo tiene un combate de mma en su carrera, pero este hombre ha practicado wrestling toda su vida. He hablado con gente a la que respeto en este mundillo, que han entrenado con él, y dicen que el chico tiene mucho talento. Creo que tiene mucho potencial.
Q: Is there still interest on the part of the UFC in Kurt Angle?
DW: You know, I've talked to Kurt Angle a couple of times, but the thing with Kurt Angle was I never really thought Kurt Angle was taking it serious. Brock Lesnar is taking this s--- serious.
DW: You know, I've talked to Kurt Angle a couple of times, but the thing with Kurt Angle was I never really thought Kurt Angle was taking it serious. Brock Lesnar is taking this s--- serious.
- Bueno, hemos hablado con Kurt en un par de ocasiones, pero el problema es que creo que él mismo no se toma esto en serio. Lesnar en cambio se lo toma muy en serio.
Q: Will GSP's next match be for the welterweight title, and might the match take place in Canada?
DW: Yes and yes. He'll fight the winner of Hughes/Serra. And yeah, we're trying to do a fight up in Canada, so that one would make a lot of sense.
DW: Yes and yes. He'll fight the winner of Hughes/Serra. And yeah, we're trying to do a fight up in Canada, so that one would make a lot of sense.
- Si, y si. Se enfrentará al ganador del Hughes vs. Serra. Y si, estamos intentando hacer un evento en Canadá, y con este combate tendria mucho más sentido.
Q: Roger Huerta has fought some quality opponents in the UFC but hasn't fought upper-echelon lightweight fighters yet. How soon until we see him fighting a top-tier guy?
DW: He's ready now. I think he's ready now after that last performance (vs. Alberto Crane at UFC 74). He fought a guy with a great record who was amazing on the ground -- seven of his last eight wins came by submission.
DW: He's ready now. I think he's ready now after that last performance (vs. Alberto Crane at UFC 74). He fought a guy with a great record who was amazing on the ground -- seven of his last eight wins came by submission.
- Huerta está preparado. Después de su última actuación (contra Alberto Crane), creo que está preparado. Se enfrentó a un rival con un gran record, y un nivel de suelo tremendo, que habia ganado 7 de sus últimos 8 combates por sumisión.
Q: How far is he from fighting for the title?
DW: That's a good question. I think he's probably a good year away.
DW: That's a good question. I think he's probably a good year away.
- Esa es una buena pregunta. Probablemente aún le quede un añito más para llegar a eso.
Traducción: Teseo for Fightsol ;D
Por cierto, me mola mucho su intención de devolverle el cinto a StPierre, pero me fastidia que tenga tan poca consideración con Huerta, que es de mis favoritos :(
Por cierto ¿A qué se refiere con que hubiera sido distinto si la sumisión de Babalú fuera a una articulación? ¿distinto para mejor o para peor?