Joe Rogan ha hablado en su página de Myspace sobre la actitud del público USA en los eventos de mma, especialmente por lo que se vio en el último evento en Sacramento:
"You see, I hate all these fans who boo the events. This past weekend, Sacramento was by far the worst display of this action I had ever witnessed in UFC history! It was just bizarre! I addressed the fans about this in an interview I was giving on Live television after a fight. I don't remember my exact words, but something along the lines of... "Just ignore these fans, half of them are drunk and stupid." I do remember, although, getting in trouble by the "people" above later that night after the event had aired. Taking my permission to address the fans in this way again in any future UFC events. But I think it's a huge problem the fans seem to have here in America. A problem they need to be addressed with. When they get alcohol running through the veins, they turn into poor critics!
Dice que odia a la gente que se dedica a abuchear a los luchadores en los eventos, y que el de Sacramento fue de lejos la peor actitud de la que ha sido testigo en su vida. En una entrevista en televisión en directo dijo algo asi como "ignorad a esa gente, la mitad de ellos están borrachos o son estúpidos...". Por decir esto se metió en problemas con los mandamases de UFC, que le prohibieron volver a hablar en esos términos del público de UFC >:(
All I would like to say for those who view my page, or those who are fans of the sport. Whether you fall victim to this behavior or you to, are one who boo's, is...
Don't boo! Your just showing how much of an asshole you can be. Your showing how immature and how new you are to the sport. You are not entertaining anyone. You are showing that alcohol can make decisions for you. I highly suggest for anyone, whether you boo or not, don't drink before a UFC event. Or any sporting event for that matter! Smoke a blunt! Smoke a joint! Smoke something, use a gas mask, use a bong, doesn't make a difference! But smoking... over alcohol is smart, think about it. Not only will you remember the entire event, but nothing after that moment will seem boring to you again. I wish the arena and state would allow selling of Marijuana over Alcohol. This way the fans will be peaceful people, not jumping off of balconies, or fighting in parking lots. They will enjoy the entire event, no matter how much "lay and pray" is being mastered.
(en referencia a los aficionados) "No abucheéis! sólo estáis demostrando lo gilipollas que podéis llegar a ser, lo inmaduros que sois y lo poco que conocéis este deporte. No estáis entreteniendo a nadie, estéis demostrando que el alcohol toma las decisiones por vosotros. No bebáis antes de los eventos, sea del deporte que sea, fumaros un porro..." bueno aqui empieza a decir que la gente deberia fumar maria en vez de beber para poder disfrutar del evento y tal. Personalmente creo que se le va la olla :-\ pero supongo que alguno le daréis la razón. Yo no.
Foremost, for those of you who do boo. It's nonsense! I don't see one of you boo'ers in the cage fighting. You are all pussies and or bitch's who stay behind the railing and out of combats way! You couldn't even begin to realize how tough these fighters are! You sure know how to boo them and talk about how much they suck. But you wont get in the cage to prove how much they suck, will you? These guys are warriors, complete warriors! I'm sure those of you who do boo, are the one's who also stayed away from trashcans when you were a freshman in high school, right? Show some respect!"
(Para los que abuchean) que no tiene sentido, que los que lo hacen no tienen cojones de subirse a un ring a probar lo "mataos" que son los luchadores... y que son unas nenazas y unas zorras que se esconden en la grada pero que evitan dar la cara.
De acuerdo con Rogan en el 80% (en lo de la maria no jaja, no creo que cambiar una droga por otra sea la solución ::))
"You see, I hate all these fans who boo the events. This past weekend, Sacramento was by far the worst display of this action I had ever witnessed in UFC history! It was just bizarre! I addressed the fans about this in an interview I was giving on Live television after a fight. I don't remember my exact words, but something along the lines of... "Just ignore these fans, half of them are drunk and stupid." I do remember, although, getting in trouble by the "people" above later that night after the event had aired. Taking my permission to address the fans in this way again in any future UFC events. But I think it's a huge problem the fans seem to have here in America. A problem they need to be addressed with. When they get alcohol running through the veins, they turn into poor critics!
Dice que odia a la gente que se dedica a abuchear a los luchadores en los eventos, y que el de Sacramento fue de lejos la peor actitud de la que ha sido testigo en su vida. En una entrevista en televisión en directo dijo algo asi como "ignorad a esa gente, la mitad de ellos están borrachos o son estúpidos...". Por decir esto se metió en problemas con los mandamases de UFC, que le prohibieron volver a hablar en esos términos del público de UFC >:(
All I would like to say for those who view my page, or those who are fans of the sport. Whether you fall victim to this behavior or you to, are one who boo's, is...
Don't boo! Your just showing how much of an asshole you can be. Your showing how immature and how new you are to the sport. You are not entertaining anyone. You are showing that alcohol can make decisions for you. I highly suggest for anyone, whether you boo or not, don't drink before a UFC event. Or any sporting event for that matter! Smoke a blunt! Smoke a joint! Smoke something, use a gas mask, use a bong, doesn't make a difference! But smoking... over alcohol is smart, think about it. Not only will you remember the entire event, but nothing after that moment will seem boring to you again. I wish the arena and state would allow selling of Marijuana over Alcohol. This way the fans will be peaceful people, not jumping off of balconies, or fighting in parking lots. They will enjoy the entire event, no matter how much "lay and pray" is being mastered.
(en referencia a los aficionados) "No abucheéis! sólo estáis demostrando lo gilipollas que podéis llegar a ser, lo inmaduros que sois y lo poco que conocéis este deporte. No estáis entreteniendo a nadie, estéis demostrando que el alcohol toma las decisiones por vosotros. No bebáis antes de los eventos, sea del deporte que sea, fumaros un porro..." bueno aqui empieza a decir que la gente deberia fumar maria en vez de beber para poder disfrutar del evento y tal. Personalmente creo que se le va la olla :-\ pero supongo que alguno le daréis la razón. Yo no.
Foremost, for those of you who do boo. It's nonsense! I don't see one of you boo'ers in the cage fighting. You are all pussies and or bitch's who stay behind the railing and out of combats way! You couldn't even begin to realize how tough these fighters are! You sure know how to boo them and talk about how much they suck. But you wont get in the cage to prove how much they suck, will you? These guys are warriors, complete warriors! I'm sure those of you who do boo, are the one's who also stayed away from trashcans when you were a freshman in high school, right? Show some respect!"
(Para los que abuchean) que no tiene sentido, que los que lo hacen no tienen cojones de subirse a un ring a probar lo "mataos" que son los luchadores... y que son unas nenazas y unas zorras que se esconden en la grada pero que evitan dar la cara.
De acuerdo con Rogan en el 80% (en lo de la maria no jaja, no creo que cambiar una droga por otra sea la solución ::))