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Babalu a la sombra
Re: Babalu a la sombra
Joder y ese link, es de su ficha policial?! Aparecen ahi unos datos a disposicion de todo el mundo que no me parece muy normal...
Y por el resto estoy contigo bud, ahora su cache a subido, en la proxima lucha cobrara mas que Mino tambien, eso seguro! :D
Re: Babalu a la sombra
Originalmente escrito por Merrill el Merodeador
Re: Babalu a la sombra
Segun cuentan:
Llego a la puerta y dijo q estaba invitado a la fiesta post WFC (cosa cierta), el segurato le dijo q no q el era uno cualquiera y q pagaba como todos haciendose el guapo, Babalu cogio la pasta y se la tiro al mostrador escupiendo al suelo, el segurato llamo al sherif y se llevaron detenido a Babalu, multa y listos...
To set it straight, Babalu was told by WFC's promoter that he did not have to pay to get in to an after party at the Hard Rock in Tampa, When Babalu explained this to the bouncer, the bouncer told Babaku that he had to pay like every one else and that he isn't anything special.
The bouncer was being a real dick, so Babalu threw a couple of 20's at the bouncer and spit on the floor by, but not on the bouncer. the bouncer then called in the sherriffs deputies and they arrested Babalu.
A large group of guys(fighters) from the event gather around the deputies trying to explain what REALLY happened, but the deputies would not listen, they even shoved a couple guys and my friend was also arrested for trying to settle the crowd down. Deputies said he was obstructing justice.
Babalu was released a couple hours later along with my friend and still was able to make the seminar on Saturday.To Perita Style
Re: Babalu a la sombra
siento escribir de seguido pero vamos que si teneis algún problema puedo llamar a mis primos americanos poner ahi carmona veras,jejejje
mola mazo el buscador