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Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

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  • Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

    Las ultimas informaciones parecen indicar que Mino se aleja del BTT para abrir una academia en Florida donde vive parte de su familia, hoy por hoy ya esta entrenando en el ATT y su jaula je je je...

    Mas fotos del ATT
    To Perita Style

  • #2
    Re: Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

    Apuesto a que en el ATT incluso mejora mas que en BTT.


    • #3
      Re: Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

      Creo que hace bien, se está demostrando que la jaula es un rollo muy diferente al ring, y tiene que acostumbrarse. Además siempre es bueno entrenar con gente distinta, te ayuda a mejorar. Aunque cambie de equipo siempre tendrá las puertas del BTT abiertas :D


      • #4
        Re: Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

        Ufff que chungo.....el Btt es el mejor equipo de valetudo del mundo, no se para que narices se querra cambiar, pero bueno.


        • #5
          Re: Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

          Pues se va a quedar huerfana la BTT... aunque se comento los Nogueira Bros., Arona y Filho no entrenaban siempre con la BTT. Y ahora da el siguiente paso Mino. Supongo que alguno mas le seguira.
          Espero que le vaya muy bien en el UFC, y que este cambio de aires sea para mejorar.



          • #6
            Re: Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

            Aunque cambie de equipo siempre tendrá las puertas del BTT abiertas
            Are you sure Joe?

            Entrevista a Bustamante en Gonkaku cortesia de KK:
            - You KOed Ryuta Sakurai at 4.13 DEEP, and it is simply amazing that you are still improving as a fighter at the age of 40. But BTT, as a team, have been in a bit of a slump lately.

            "First of all, Rogerio. He was in best shape against Sokudjou. His punches were very good, and that's why we were shocked by the outcome. I think he was unlucky with that KO punch. One of the reasons for the loss, I think, is the lack of information. But a rematch, if it ever happens, will be a longer and better fight.

            "As for Arona, to be honest, he was ill for a while. He had a fever, 38 degree, because of influenza, so he had to take some pills. And naturally, that affects your power. But he was too ill not to take the pills. He lost all the energy and stamina, so we were really worried if he would be able to fight well. He is a tough guy who doesn't bitch about that kind of stuff, and I don't think he would ever use that as an excuse. So in terms of conditioning, he was unlucky. Just like Rogerio, a rematch will be a different fight. But Sokudjou is a very good fighter, no doubt."

            - For Arona, there was this surprise on the fight day, that is, it was announced that Nogueira, his teammate, had gone to the UFC. I heard that Arona and BTT heard the news when they were doing the ring check, and that you were all shocked. Did it affect Arona in his match?

            "I think the biggest factor was the flu. But it's true that it was quite a shock to me, Arona, and our team."

            - Didn't you talk to Nogueira around his UFC announcement?

            "I honestly didn't know anything about it, and all I can say is it was a big surprise. Rodrigo was travelling around a lot of places, so I didn't have a chance to talk to him. This year, he went to Curitiba, from Las Vegas to Florida, where his mother lives, and so on. So I think the last time I talked to him was, right before the Las Vegas show in February."

            - You are his mentor, so it's hard to believe that you guys aren't in much contact.

            "One thing I want you to understand is, his cellphone is always off. So it's such a difficult task to get ahold of him (laugh). I called him some times after the Las Vegas show, but he didn't pick them up."

            - Did you see any sign that he might be leaving PRIDE?

            "He joined BTT in 2000, but I already knew him back then. Still, he didn't tell us anything about it, which upset us. Back in the days, more than 10 years ago, Ricardo Liborio and me were living together as roommates. And Liborio brought Rodrigo in one day. He was really young, and screaming and yelling and making so much noise. Since I was studying, and couldn't stand the noise, I kicked all of them out of there (laugh). I somehow remember that scene now."

            - Do you think he has changed since then?

            "No, I don't. He is a simple man, and often helps out young fighters, particularly poor kids. So when I go back to Rio, I want to talk with him face to face, eye to eye."

            - It's not unusual or strange for a fighter to move to another organization that is willing to pay him better, but doing that without telling people like you and Mario Sperry, to whom he owes so much, anything about it... I've interviewed him a number of times, and it's hard to believe.

            "Assuming that he received a very good offer from the UFC, he should've talked to us first. I think he made a mistake this time. He did something bad for the team. I want him to realize that, and hope that he will change. I'm getting all kinds of information from a lot of people, but haven't heard anything from himself. So I just want to talk to him face to face."

            - If he ever apologizes to you, would you forgive him?

            "At this point, I can't say anything about whether I'll forgive him, or whether we are willing to have him back in BTT or things like that. He must talk to us honestly first, and I think there are some things that needs to take some time to talk about.

            - Lastly, do you have anything to say to him?

            "Now, it is difficult to even find that word. I'll call him, and try to get in contact with him. Let's talk first, is the only thing I can say."
            To Perita Style


            • #7
              Re: Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

              Thanks for the interview sNk.

              Pues no esta la cosa muy alegre entre ellos, eh!


              • #8
                Re: Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

                Originalmente escrito por vassili
                Ufff que chungo.....el Btt es el mejor equipo de valetudo del mundo, no se para que narices se querra cambiar, pero bueno.
                y que me dices del team quest??
                "Things you focus on will grow bigger, so focus on positivity" Marloes Coenen


                • #9
                  Re: Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

                  "Things you focus on will grow bigger, so focus on positivity" Marloes Coenen


                  • #10
                    Re: Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

                    wow la entrevista me ha dejado de piedra macho. Si es que está claro que de puerta para afuera somos todos muy amigos, pero al final salen a relucir los trapos sucios :-\


                    • #11
                      Re: Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

                      Yo soy de la opinión de que los trapos sucios se lavan en casa.....en fin y más si hay dinero de por medio. (gracias por la entrevista)
                      No soy para nada mitómano, pero Mino más que como luchador de BTT, lo sigo por su uso estilo, asi que si ahora lucha en el ATT, pues pa'lante y a conquistar las américas



                      • #12
                        Re: Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

                        no le va a venir nada mal entrenar con esa gente, ahora que vaya Mirko al BTT, que tampoco le vendria nada mal.


                        • #13
                          Re: Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

                          Es más, io creo q este cambio le va a venir bien y encima si la relación con el BTT estaba como se comenta...


                          • #14
                            Re: Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

                            El Team Quest es un buen equipo tambien por?


                            • #15
                              Re: Rumor: Minotauro abandona BTT

                              Para mi el ATT tiene mejores condiciones que el BTT.

                              El ATT tiene una calidad tecnica y de luchadores muy alta ademas las instalaciones son a la americana y ya sabemos como son estos en la preparacion deportiva.

