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Entrevista A Georges St-Pierre En Mmanews

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  • Entrevista A Georges St-Pierre En Mmanews

    Interesante la entrevista a St-Pierre, no la he acabado de leer, pero ya he flipao al ver que no descarta a cabar subiendo a middleweight o incluso a light-heavyweight!! :twisted:

  • #2
    Respuesta: Entrevista A Georges St-Pierre En Mmanews

    if I have to fight, for example, in a higher weight class - I'm going to have a program. A weight program. I'm going to lift weights, I'm going to find a way to get a little bit bigger. I would never be able to be as big as, for example, Chuck Liddell because first I don't want to take steroids and stuff like that. I'm always natural and I hate like ...I know a lot of people use that, but me I'm not that kind of guy. I prefer to stay healthy all my life than having a title.
    Sabia opinion "I prefer to stay healthy all my life than having a title". Y demuestra que un tio sin tomar anabolicos (que espero sea el caso y no una simple mentira) puede estar electrico y fuerte como una piedra y ser el top de un deporte como este.

