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Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

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  • Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

    Transcripcion del articulo:
    "The Myth Is Alive: Rickson is still the man. And, for the first time in history, it is a top Carlson Gracie pupil who is saying it.

    Paul Filho reveals: Rickson is in shape and ready to impress in the rings. "I always knew that he was exceptional, but the truth is, I had no idea how," says the amazed fighter from BTT, after a few training sessions with Rickson Gracie.

    The awe is big, but the context strengthens it. After a few years off fighting, and now middle-aged, Rickson's success in an MMA bout against today's top fighters was becoming more and more questionable, and not only among fans, but among fighters themselves. But suddenly a young outstanding athlete, undefeated in MMA, and coming from a rival school, does a training session with the black-belt, and gives something else to talk about regarding the myth that's been reigning for the last quarter century. "I've trained with all of Carlson's greatest pupils, from all generations, all of them excellent, some even phenomenal. I don't want to depreciate anyone, but what Rickson did to me no one else was ever able to do," confesses the fighter who has just been acclaimed in PRIDE after defeating undisputedly Murilo Ninja of Chute Boxe.

    This statement, some ten years ago would have sounded quite normal. After all, Renzo Gracie, Fabio Gurgel, Roberto Roleta, Nino Schembri, Saulo Ribeiro, and many other outstanding athletes would walk away with the same impression after training with Rickson. But there is one difference: perhaps because no top fighter from Carlson's School had ever trained with Rickson before, they were the most skeptical regarding a supposed technical superiority, precisely that which Paul Filho stresses. "The knowledge he has is something absurd, which no one in the world comes close to. Look at it: He proved to me that I distribute my weight incorrectly," the fighter exemplifies. It seems like a lie, for one of Filho's specialties is good weight distribution. But he claims not to be exaggerating: "It's hard to explain, but he places himself in a way that makes him even heavier. And he moves his hips in an incomparable way. Like a snake," says Filho avoiding to get into technical details.

    "The opportunity I'm having right now is unique, and I can't waste it. I'll incorporate all I can into my game and become an even more dignified Jiu-Jitsu representative. We watched the bout against Ninja together, and he showed me all I did wrong. If I had known these errors before, the fight would have ended differently," Filho guesses.

    Before the "what-ifs" start arising, it is important to complete this report. The training sessions took place without a gi, and they weren't restricted to ground play, nor to grappling. "He'd simulate the most varied situations. And he always asked me to hit him when I thought I had a chance. Except, I usually found no room to strike. And when I did, I would miss the target. He is complete o65533; in the clinch, and the approach on the ground. I have no more doubt as to whether he can beat anyone, up to 93 kg," he guarantees, unable to hide his enthusiasm.

    In spite of this interchange, Filho is still a firm unit of the BTT fleet. "I talked to Murilo Bustamante. In the beginning he was a bit upset, perhaps jealous, but then cooled down. And he had a good reason. After all, Rickson told me that he admires Murilo, as a "carioca" ('born in Rio de Janeiro") who represents Jiu-Jitsu so well in the world," the young fighter points out. On the other hand, the secrets confided by Rickson should remained locked in a very well hidden vault. "Of course I'm not showing everybody the secrets that he told me alone. That would be betraying his confidence. It's up to the master to know what to teach and to whom," ponders Paul Filho, aged 26, 11 wins, eight of which have occurred in Japan.

    Rickson -- who has been in Brazil for the past months and, by the looks of his training rhythm, appears to be getting ready for a return still this year o65533; keeps discreet and doesn't comment on the training sessions, though confirming their existence, and appreciates the compliments: "I've got a great deal of respect for Paul. He is an authentic guy, very brave and a fierce defender of Jiu-Jitsu. I'll do anything in my power to help him.
    Tmb tangado de un foro guiri.
    To Perita Style

  • #2
    Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

    Madre miaaa. Queremos ver a ese Paulao versión 2.0, YA.


    • #3
      Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

      ya te digo jajajaja


      • #4
        Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

        estará peor que antes!


        • #5
          Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

          Crece la leyenda, pero lo mas importante es que detras de todos los rumores que se han oido incontables veces sobre si Rickson vuelve, este podria ser es mas solido, por que no hay mayor prueba de movimiento que la total y absoluta falta de ruido y publicidad sobre los entrenamientos de Rickson en Rio.


          • #6
            Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

            umm, a proposito cuantos años ya tiene rickson?..creo que muchos


            • #7
              Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

              Más de cuarenta, aunque ya me gustaria llegar a los cuarenta en la mitad de forma en que está él


              • #8
                Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

                Lo comentaba con pewee hace tiempo.
                Salia en unas fotos en la playa y deciamos que ojala nossotros con 20 tantos tuvieramos el fisico de el con 40....


                • #9
                  Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

                  Esto es increible lo de Rickson, todo el mundo cuentan de el cosas increibles que Casualmente nunca se han grabado ( con lo que le gusta a los brasileños grabar los retos ) , yo he escuchado un monton de barbaridades como que finalizaba 25 veces a Saulo Ribeiro que cogia a no se cuantos campeones del mundo y los finalizaba con la técnica a la carta, que si iba a seminarios y habia colas de 200 personas para luchar con el y los finalizaba a todos :blabla: y luego lo que de verdad se ha visto en video como algunas luchas y demás, pues tampoco es nada del otro mundo, en fin yo no se que pensar ... si Rickson fuera la mitad de bueno que " dicen que es " con quien tendria que luchar es con Fedor y además con los ojos vendados ...


                  • #10
                    Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

                    yo tengo 66 años y todos los dias corro 22 kms,,,asi que rickson no tiene nada de especial con sus casi 50 años!


                    • #11
                      Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

                      Rickson fue un grande y ademas un luchador de jiu jitsu cojonudo...pero la mitad de esas cosas son barbaridades... como la que nunca perdio ni si quiera con kimono (pues en brasil todos saben incluso hay fotos que perdio par de veces) luego dijeron en competicion (y en competicion el maestro rosado le gano 2 veces creo recordar) .. asi que como todo grande en su respectivas facetas, la realidad terminara empapada de leyenda.
                      Por otro lado me encantaria que volviera, pero no se yo si a su edad estara preparado para una competicion, sinceramente tiene mucho mas que perder que de ganar.
                      Un saludo.


                      • #12
                        Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

                        concuerdo en lo ultimo pero no en el inicio, pero en fin, es un tema de larga data!


                        • #13
                          Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

                          Sigo diciendo y siempre diré que Rickson en mma solo peleó con super paquetones.


                          • #14
                            Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

                            hey tio,,,,ese es mi pensamiento, no lo publiques :evil: ... :wink:


                            • #15
                              Rickson & Paulao en Graciemag

                              Originalmente escrito por Pizko
                              sinceramente tiene mucho mas que perder que de ganar.
                              Si consigue que le paguen 3 millones de

