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Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

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  • Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

    Hola a todos.
    Primero felicitar a los del Barcelona.
    Y segundo, en la pagina oficial de PRIDE hay una interesantisima entrevista a Fedor.
    Aqui la dejo en ingles, si alguien quiere traducirla....
    Fedor Emelianenko, attending the PRIDE Open Weight Grand Prix 2006 Opening Round on May 5th at the Osaka Dome, had tough words regarding the Opening Round fights. Will Fedor be in the ring alongside his rivals on July 1st in the PRIDE Open Weight Grand Prix 2006 Second Round?

    Pride Fighting Championships: What did you think of the Open Weight Grand Prix Opening Round on May 5th.
    Fedor Emelianenko: First, it's very unfortunate that my brother Alexander lost. That's my first thought. I'm really shocked. My only comfort is that my teammate, Zentsov, won his fight. I think the other fights turned out as I expected for the most part.

    Pride: What do you believe was the reason for Alexander's loss?
    Emelianenko: I think he probably lacked something in his preparation. There's something else I want to say. In the 1st round, Josh Barnett was rubbing his own eye and I question that he had the fight stopped. The fight was stopped because of that and the doctor checked his eye but there was nothing wrong. There was nothing unusual about his eye and he wasn't injured, so I don't understand why he did that.
    Pride: After the fight, Josh pointed a finger at you and challenged you, saying that you are the only one that he wants to fight. What do you think of that?
    Emelianenko: I think it was very good that he put on that kind of demonstration. (laughing) Josh is a good athlete and I believe that he's a strong fighter but he's lost to Mirko Cro Cop twice, so if I compared him to Mirko as a fighter, Josh would lose. Of course, I respect him as a fighter, though.
    Pride: Did Josh become someone worth fighting when he beat Alexander?
    Emelianenko: It's not about whether he's worth it or not. I beat Mirko and considering that Josh lost to Mirko, I think there's still a gap between us. However, I'm willing to fight any of these fighters, so I don't think that I'm too good for them.
    Pride: After the event, DSE President Sakakibara said that if you are going to compete in the 2nd Round, he wants to see Yoshida or Fujita volunteer to fight you. What do you think about these two fighters?
    Emelianenko: I think that Fujita is a very good fighter but I felt the end of the fight with Thompson was a little late. I think Fujita probably could have ended the fight at an earlier stage. Regarding Yoshida, he was lucky in the matchmaking for that card.
    Pride: You've fought Fujita before. Do you think that Fujita has grown since your fight with him?
    Emelianenko: I won't know for certain unless we fight in the ring. Just from what I saw though, I don't think he has gotten that much stronger. Actually, he looked weaker than when I fought him.
    Pride: I believe it was about one year ago when you said that you were interested in fighting Yoshida because he's an Olympic gold medallist. Have your feelings changed?
    Emelianenko: I still want to fight Yoshida. I always want to fight fighters that are good enough too win a medal in the Olympics. Yoshida is the type of fighter that thinks about how he should use his best techniques as he fighting, so I'm very interested in a fight with him.
    Pride: Tsuyoshi Kosaka, whom you have also fought, retired after his fight in the First Round of the Grand Prix. How did you see that fight?
    Emelianenko: I thought it was strange that Kosaka didn't use his best techniques in that fight. He was trying to win at striking against Mark Hunt, whose strength is striking. I thought it was very strange that he would lose to Hunt without using his best techniques. Why did Kosaka decide to do that? Why didn't he attack him with his best techniques? I think he probably could have used more effective techniques against Hunt.
    Pride: Do you have a message for Kosaka?
    Emelianenko: Rather than talking about his retirement, the way he fought Hunt left an impression on me. Kosaka, I believe that a fight is a place to use your advantages and your strong points. I don't think that it's necessary to show your weaknesses. Why didn't Kosaka try to submit Hunt when he had him in the mount? It's strange to me.
    Pride: Do you feel anything special when someone you have fought retires?
    Emelianenko: No. It's normal when a sports athlete decides to end his sports career of his own free will. I've never felt anything special about a fighter's retirement.
    Pride: I see. What do you think of Mark Hunt, who some have said is the most likely to beat you?
    Emelianenko: I think that Hunt is a very good fighter but I question whether he will be able to win in the Second Round. I think that he may lose to someone there.
    Pride: From what you saw in the Opening Round, and assuming that you will be able to compete in the Second Round, who do you think will be the most formidable opponent for you?
    Emelianenko: As most of the Opening Round results were as I expected, all of the fighters are good fighters but I didn't see anyone using new skills or show any particular growth. So, I don't think there was anyone there that will be a great rival for me. Nogueira is still there, though, but he has lost to me twice already and with those results in mind, I don't think there is anyone particularly threatening. If Nogueira uses some kind of new skill that he learned since we fought, he might be a great rival but just from what I saw in the Opening Round, I don't think he shown any remarkable growth.
    Pride: You sound confidento133; How is your right hand doing after the surgery?
    Emelianenko: I can't say anything in detail at this stage until I show it to the doctor one more time. Right now, there is still a plate in my hand.
    Pride: Do you intent to fight in the Second Round?
    Emelianenko: I really want to compete. If my hand heals, I will definitely be in the ring in July.

    Bueno ahi esta. Comentarios acerca de las palabras del Champion.
    Tanta paz lleves como descanso dejas.

  • #2
    Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

    pues va a ser q no


    • #3
      Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

      Ok. Pues en ingles.

      Cuenta un poco de todo, el combate de su hermano, como ve a los contrincantes, como le va la mano,......
      Pero ya es seguro que no participara en el GPow.
      Bueno cuando le dicen que Barnnett quiere pelear con el. Como lo trata con respeto diciendo que es un gran atleta y tal.
      Esque es Fedor. Humilde y campeon.

      P.D.: Y si pilla a Barnnet lo va a machacar pero bien.
      Tanta paz lleves como descanso dejas.


      • #4
        Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

        pues por algo es campeon en todo,,,dentro del ring y fuera de él.....un crack!


        • #5
          Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

          Originalmente escrito por fullet
          P.D.: Y si pilla a Barnnet lo va a machacar pero bien.
          Y hasta con una mano sola... :D


          • #6
            Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

            con crocop ya utilizo solo una como quien dice si no fijaros en el g&p en los asaltos 2 y 3


            • #7
              Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

              es que fedor es mucho fedor,,,y ante crocop ya lo demostró, con una sola mano le bastó!


              • #8
                Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

                pero por la lesion


                • #9
                  Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

                  asi es,,,porque si las dos manos las hubiera tenido al 100% entonces crocop no estaria para contarla !


                  • #10
                    Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

                    Buena gente Fedor!...pero es un rollo el que se trae con su hermano , parece que están en el cole: este me ha pegao !corre a por él Chache


                    • #11
                      Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

                      Jejejejeje. Ese cobra.
                      Pero es Barnet el que dice que quiere pelearse con el. Igual que Crocop.
                      Fedor solo acepta las peleas. Y si encima el que lo reta ha ganado a su hermano, pues mas aliciente para el. Venganzaaaaaaa. Jejejeje.
                      Tanta paz lleves como descanso dejas.


                      • #12
                        Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

                        PUes no le veo un combate facil a Fedor con Barnett


                        • #13
                          Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

                          Originalmente escrito por sanka
                          PUes no le veo un combate facil a Fedor con Barnett
                          Nada fácil. Barnett es muy bueno y está en un momento de forma increible, sólo tiene que mejorara su boxeo, aunque tampoco es nulo. Pero yo creo que Alexander tiene mejor boxeo que Fedor, lo único que Fedor sabe dosificar fuerzas durante toda la pelea y puede luchar en cualquier posición.
                          Pero como Barnnet le coja la espalda, no va a salir tan fácil como lo hizo con Coleman y con Randelman.
                          Cuidadin con Barnnet que viene apretando fuerte y con muchas ganas, sabe que esta es su última oportunidad de poder triunfar.


                          • #14
                            Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

                            barnet no es tan tio, asi que si le fuera mal ante fedor (que es lo mas probable como que mañana es sabado) entonces tendrá mas dice que alex es mas boxeador que fedor, pues no sé, mas poder de ko de alex seguro, pero lo que yo creo es que fedor no suelta los puños por soltar, él los saca cuando es necesario y no al aire,,,por algo es mas inteligente que cualquiera!


                            • #15
                              Entrevista a Fedor en PRIDEFC.COM 17/05/2006

                              Fedor - Barnett :roll:

                              GANA FEDOR :!:

                              perdon CoBrA pero tu frase pega :wink:

