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Actualidad UFC Vol. III

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  • La nativa de Cleveland, Jessica Eye, tendrá la oportunidad de pelear por primera vez en su ciudad natal, esto cuando se enfrente a la Brasileña Bethe Correia en el evento UFC 203 el próximo 10 de Septiembre.

    La noticia fue revelada por Eye en su cuenta oficial de Facebook.


    • Battle line

      Dos Anjos vs Álvarez

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      • Tras la salida de Anthony Johnson, el contendiente Glover Teixeira también fue forzado a dejar el combate tras la falta de un reemplazo.


        • Lamentable noticia... Ryan Jimmo asesinado.

          Canadian MMA veteran Ryan Jimmo died Sunday morning after being struck by a vehicle in Edmonton, Alberta.

          Multiple sources today confirmed news of Jimmo’s death following a report from Jimmo, a seven-time UFC veteran who competed in the light heavyweight division, was 34 years old.

          According to police, Jimmo was involved in an early morning incident in the parking lot of Edmonton’s H2O Lounge. Jimmo was reportedly walking away from the altercation when the men he was speaking to -- two Caucasian males in a dark-colored pickup truck -- accelerated and struck him. Police are currently searching for the suspects, who nearly hit another car as they fled the scene of the crime.

          Jimmo was transported to a local hospital, where he died of his injuries. An autopsy is scheduled for Tuesday, according to the CBC report.

          A powerful striker who learned karate from his black belt father, Jimmo rose to prominence in Canada’s Maximum Fighting Championship promotion. After winning and twice defending the MFC light heavyweight title, “The Big Deal” was called up to the big show, where he made a big impression in his July 2012 UFC debut by knocking out Anthony Perosh in just seven seconds.

          Jimmo would ultimately compile a UFC record of 3-4; he had not competed since being released by the organization in mid-2015. At the time of his death, Jimmo’s MMA record stood at 19-5, with eight wins by way of knockout and two via submission.


          • No caigo en quien es, pero DEP.


            • D.E.P. Joder cómo está el patio


              • [MENTION=2]admin[/MENTION] un striker pelao, pegaba durisimo y ganó varias por Ko en UFC con algo de tironcillo mediático ( sin pasarse ).

                Contra James Te Huna hicieron un peleón precioso.


                • Discutió con dos que estaban más majaras que él y le atropellaron?? Pobre...


                  • Hizo uno de los KO más rápidos de ufc a Perosh.


                    • si joder era bastante carismatico y entretenido verle, la verdad es q teniendo acceso a las armas todo dios frontera entre la vida y la muerte es jodida, por q acaba dependiendo de como esta cada uno mentalmente


                      • Originalmente escrito por NASH Ver mensaje
                        si joder era bastante carismatico y entretenido verle, la verdad es q teniendo acceso a las armas todo dios frontera entre la vida y la muerte es jodida, por q acaba dependiendo de como esta cada uno mentalmente
                        En este caso en concreto el arma ha sido un coche ¿no?


                        • si, el coche es un arma muy efectivo, es un arma con la que no te ensucias las manos, no tienes pro que hacer esfuerzo físico, es un arma imparable pues pesa cientos de kilos, y aunque no mate dejara heridas muy muy graves de por vida.

                          No solo eso, el coche es el arma con el que puedes matar y librarte con la excusa mas chapucera que se te ocurra y no seras investigado ni nadie sospechara de ti.


                          • DEP Jimmo. Además, de entretenido tenía pinta de ser un tipo simpático.

                            Por si alguno se despista con la noticia, lo que están diciendo es que tuvo un altercado (no dicen nada de que llegase más allá de una discusión), y cuando Jimmo se iba del lugar, los dos con los que discutió le atropellaron en coche. Vamos que no es un accidente, ni nada por el estilo. Cómo alguien apunta, tuvo la mala suerte de topar con dos energúmenos, y además de los cobardes. No lo dice claramente, pero todo parece que fue a la salida de algún tipo de club o similar en la madrugada.

                            Ojalá se aclare todo con la justicia, es lo que queda.


                            • Anderson 'The Spider' Silva

                              Well, I could give you million reasons to make the fight against Bisping happen, but the truth is that he is afraid. I'm not going to compare myself to others even mention someone else, but in my perspective I believe I have the right to a fight with him once again, because I have won London's fight and a rematch was promised. However, as he was injured by me during the fight, he wouldn't be prepared to fight too soon, then he was ready to replace someone, but not to face me in Brazil, right? You know I lived an unexpected situation having a surgery, but if it wasn't happened I could fight in Brazil. So, I think it's time to show that I'm serious, I've never asked for a rematch with no adversary, but I do want to have an opportunity of a fight with Bisping, I deserve that for everything I have achieve into the organization saving last time fights' events even in upper categories, fighting injured , broke a leg. I have proved why I am the best in world in this sport and I humbly say that none of my adversaries who supposedly defeated me have achieved or will my actions into the organization. Undoubtely, I believe this rematch will be the best step for UFC and Dana is aware of it, because numbers does tell and as we always have to stand by the group let it bem from both sides. If I could help him to feel more confident and less afraid I would agree to fight him in his hometown, Manchester.


                              • Todo dios pidiendo a Bisping como es normal... me da a mi que no se lo van a dar a Jacaré que es quien se lo merecería curriculum en mano, y van a optar por algo mediático tipo Anderson o Hendo.

