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    Mauricio Shogun

    By Eduardo Ferreira

    "I want to fight with him again"

    Mauricio Shogun is already in Brazil to recover from his injury (suffered during the fight against American wrestler Mark Coleman at Pride 31). Shogun fell in his arm when Coleman put him down and now waits the doctor opinion to know how long he will have to stay away from the rings. "I was with my both arms hurt and when I fell down my arm was out of his place. I broke one bone and more some things. I did this week some exams, but the doctor said that doesn't know yet how long it will take", said Shogun in exclusive to Read the full interview below.

    What really happened to your arm? What the doctor said?

    I was with my both arms hurt and when I fell down my arm was out of his place. I broke one bone and more some things. I did this week some exams, but the doctor said that doesn't know yet how long it will take. I need to do these exams for the doctor can see better my case, so now I will wait for next week I can take this out of my arm and I will start doing some physiotherapy to get better soon.

    Your last fight was the one in the final of the GP in August of 2005. During this period you taught seminars, rested and commemorated the title. Do you think this disturbed you in your preparation? How long time did you train to face Coleman?

    In any moment this factors disturbed me in my preparation. After the GP I had some rest and I was back to help Wanderlei (Silva) in his preparation for the Pride of the end of the year against Ricardo Arona. After that, I spent two weeks in US doing some seminars and I spent three weeks training hard to face Coleman. I was in my best physical condition and for the first time I fought without needing to lose some weight. I always have to lose about 10 kilos and that time I didn't need that. I don't think that it happened because of my preparation, which was a fatality. I'm sure that I would make a great fight against him, but I had bad luck.

    Do you think you could make something else to defend yourself when he put you down?

    Absolutely, but at the time everything is so fast. When he came with his leg I was waiting to attack, but he used the other leg and I hadn't got any base and I fell down really bad. I saw lots of people have been talking bad things about me, saying that I can't defend myself, but I think that this is jealous of who doesn't like the Chute Boxe and the union we have. By the way, I would like to leave a message for all my fans, can I do that?

    Sure Shogun, do it...

    I want to say thanks to all my family, the Chute Boxe family and to all my fans for all the support that they always gave me. They make me fell strong to win all my difficulties and to conquer all my objectives. They pass me this positive energy for I can make all my dreams true. That is what I wanted to say. I want to thank them all.

    After the fight, have you seen Coleman?

    Yes, we met. And he came to apologize me, but we didn't accept that and master Rudimar (Fedrigo) took me to the hospital, because I was feeling too much pain and I didn't see anything else. But it seems that was a mess out of the ring. The energy in the ring is huge, but he said a lot of bad things after the fight and was very impolite in the ring.

    Do you wanna fight Coleman again?

    Of course that I want another fight against Coleman. When I'll be feeling better, I will train to do this fight.

  • #2

    Originalmente escrito por danikpo

    Do you wanna fight Coleman again?

    Of course that I want another fight against Coleman. When I'll be feeling better, I will train to do this fight.

    :ejercito: :lanzallamas: :twisted:

    jeje :)


    • #3

      Yo creo q Coleman se retira antes de q Shogun se recupere, jejeje.


      • #4

        creo que hay que escribir más en español que es un idioma muy bonito.

        Coleman fardó demasiado tras las cámaras pero seguro que tiene los guevecetes bien subidos al pescuezo


        • #5

          Coleman se puso una vez delante y lo hara cuantas veces sea necesario a estas alturas decir que tiene miedo del muchacho ese.. uhmmm


          • #6

            Q era broma... joer Sanka no hay quien le tosa a los wrestlers contigo por aqui, jajajaja.


            • #7

              Originalmente escrito por CoBrA
              creo que hay que escribir más en español que es un idioma muy bonito.

              Coleman fardó demasiado tras las cámaras pero seguro que tiene los guevecetes bien subidos al pescuezo
              pues tengo una de Fedor en ruso ke t va a flipar jejej


              • #8
                ENTREVISTA A SHOGUN

                Es que parece que solo dan los brasileiros que hay algo mas en las MMA digo yo!!


                • #9
                  ENTREVISTA A SHOGUN

                  Si, está Cobra.


                  • #10
                    ENTREVISTA A SHOGUN

                    Por ejemplo


                    • #11
                      ENTREVISTA A SHOGUN

                      Originalmente escrito por sanka
                      Es que parece que solo dan los brasileiros que hay algo mas en las MMA digo yo!!
                      Tambien americanos y canadienses. 8)


                      • #12
                        ENTREVISTA A SHOGUN

                        Originalmente escrito por sanka
                        Coleman se puso una vez delante y lo hara cuantas veces sea necesario a estas alturas decir que tiene miedo del muchacho ese.. uhmmm
                        miedo no..pero q le va a caer la de su vida si q debe de saberlo..

                        coleman "realmente"no le ha ganado ningun combate a shogun tio..


                        • #13
                          ENTREVISTA A SHOGUN

                          Si hubiese sido coleman el que se cae y se jode el brazo, estarian todos diciendo que si esta acabao, que si esta viejo, pero claro como ha sido shogun el que se ha fastidiado, entonces coleman "realmente" no ha "ganao".


                          • #14
                            ENTREVISTA A SHOGUN

                            Lo que esta claro esque Coleman no tiene nada que hacer contra Shogun, como vuelva a luchar contra Shogun se llevará la paliza de su vida, ha tenido mucha suerte de que se lesione a parte que Shogun no deberia haber salido a pelear estando tocado de los 2 brazos ... Shogun es mucho mejor que coleman en suelo y en pie ( solo es peor en Wrestling obviamente ).

                            Un luchador esta acabado cuando le llega su hora, y que gane o pierda 1combate no cambia nada ( y mas en estas condiciones ), pk a nadie se le dice que este acabado pk pierda un lucha sino varias, y por pasar de ser el n


                            • #15
                              ENTREVISTA A SHOGUN

                              Estoy totalmente de acuerdo en lo que dice valetudo, y en lo que dices tu Heres de que los años no perdonan, sin duda todos lo saben y el el primero, pero es que parece que Shogun, y toda la tropa sean los indestructibles y creo que no, igual que decir que a Coleman le caera la de su vida lo dudo perdera por KO y se acabo pero de momento a Shogun le ha regalado dos takedowns de libro, un slam y todavia le quedaba el G&P

