Cago en too al final después de todo aunque hace algunos años lo comenté no veré a Fedor en UFC, aunque por amor propio y pelotas podría probar que gente que le espera hay jajaja
No hay anuncios todavía.
Fedor despedido de Strikeforce
Originalmente escrito por Pankration Ver mensajeGracias Dana por ser un sustituto de la figura paterna que siempre quisimos tener todos los adolescentes descarriados de barrios americanos ricos de jardincito y valla blanca.
Gracias Rogan por decirnos lo que tenemos que pensar y lo muy outstanding que son las performances de todos los luchadores pertenecientes a la misma compañía de la cual eres asalariado (y de recordarnos siempre lo nice que son sus legkicks y lo beautiful que son sus takedowns).
Gracias Joe Silva por decidir a dedo en tu sabio y neutral juicio quienes podrán pelear con quién y quienes no podrán hacerlo aunque quieran.Sabemos que en ningún momento influyen en tus decisiones criterios de merchandaising o creación de estrellas artificiales.No necesitamos sistemas de ránking en tu sola persona nos basta para que las mma (o mejor ya debería empezar a decir Ultimate Fightin') sean una competición deportiva justa y real.Al ser una figura fuerte y autoritaria eres capaz de obligar a que los valientes y ambiciosos peleadores que son "amigos" tengan pelear entre ellos sí o sí.
Gracias Lorenzo Fertitta por ser a la vez promotor, intermediario y dueño absoluto de las competiciones deportivas de las MMA mundiales.Está claro que eres un elemento imprescindible en la escena del prizefigting con reglas de MMA y que sin tí los luchadores ni sus managers no sabrían como organizar contratos entre ellos para pelear por la bolsa y los títulos que ponen a disposición los hipóteticos pero imposibles en la práctica organismos reguladores deportivos.
Originalmente escrito por Pankration Ver mensajeGracias Dana por ser un sustituto de la figura paterna que siempre quisimos tener todos los adolescentes descarriados de barrios americanos ricos de jardincito y valla blanca.
Gracias Rogan por decirnos lo que tenemos que pensar y lo muy outstanding que son las performances de todos los luchadores pertenecientes a la misma compañía de la cual eres asalariado (y de recordarnos siempre lo nice que son sus legkicks y lo beautiful que son sus takedowns).
Gracias Joe Silva por decidir a dedo en tu sabio y neutral juicio quienes podrán pelear con quién y quienes no podrán hacerlo aunque quieran.Sabemos que en ningún momento influyen en tus decisiones criterios de merchandaising o creación de estrellas artificiales.No necesitamos sistemas de ránking en tu sola persona nos basta para que las mma (o mejor ya debería empezar a decir Ultimate Fightin') sean una competición deportiva justa y real.Al ser una figura fuerte y autoritaria eres capaz de obligar a que los valientes y ambiciosos peleadores que son "amigos" tengan pelear entre ellos sí o sí.
Gracias Lorenzo Fertitta por ser a la vez promotor, intermediario y dueño absoluto de las competiciones deportivas de las MMA mundiales.Está claro que eres un elemento imprescindible en la escena del prizefigting con reglas de MMA y que sin tí los luchadores ni sus managers no sabrían como organizar contratos entre ellos para pelear por la bolsa y los títulos que ponen a disposición los hipóteticos pero imposibles en la práctica organismos reguladores deportivos.
Originalmente escrito por Tanith Ver mensajeGracias por expandir las MMA, por dar PPV a menos de 10 euriles, por purgar de mafias de m1 el panorama top actual y de yakuza en el pasado, gracias por darnos eventos cada 2 semanas y hacer pelear a los mejores con los mejores (pacquio money cuando?), gracias por llevar las MMA donde no llegaban antes los eventos de primer nivel, gracias por exigir a los luchadores ser competitivos y que el deporte avance de tal manera que el que vivía de renta ahora se quede sin trabajo, gracias por poner reglas sensatas y que para la opinión pública este deporte deje de ser una salvajada, gracias por esto y mucho más, xq lo que a mi me vale es ver eventos y sin Zuffa vería muchos menos.
Da igual el sistema, dos no pelean si no quieren, no se les puede obligar.
Del texto anterior, parece un dictado del profe Arum ;)
Que yo sepa Pacquiao y Mayweather también tendrían que pactar un peso ¿no?
A veces te la coges con papel de fumar tanith... la superfight entre Anderson y GSP estuvo varias veces sobre la mesa y si no se hace es por lo mismo que la que mencionas no se hace, porque uno de los dos -o los dos- no quieren.
Gracias por expandir las MMA
por dar PPV a menos de 10 euriles
por purgar de mafias de m1 el panorama top actual y de yakuza en el pasado
gracias por darnos eventos cada 2 semanas y hacer pelear a los mejores con los mejores (pacquio money cuando?),
gracias por llevar las MMA donde no llegaban antes los eventos de primer nivel
gracias por exigir a los luchadores ser competitivos y que el deporte avance de tal manera que el que vivía de renta ahora se quede sin trabajo
gracias por poner reglas sensatas y que para la opinión pública este deporte deje de ser una salvajada
gracias por esto y mucho más, xq lo que a mi me vale es ver eventos y sin Zuffa vería muchos menos.
¿Anderson vs. GSP cuándo?
Da igual el sistema, dos no pelean si no quieren, no se les puede obligar.
Del texto anterior, parece un dictado del profe Arum ;)
Que tengan que pactar el peso no quiere decir que no se hayan pegado ya n ese peso (pacquioMoney).
Silva y gsp se ha hablado pero no se ha llegado a pactar, es tan desigual que a mi ni me llama, son de diferentes pesos.
Si te dan una oportunidad al titulo por tu cara bonita y lo ganas no veo el problema.
Por ahora están a menos de 10 euros, cuando suba a un precio normal ya me contaras. Hay gente con buena conexión y prefiere verlo en directo.
M1 fuera yakuza fuera. Zuffa 2 mafia 0.
Eventos cada 2 semanas.
Luchadores que estaban en otras organizaciones ahora en zurda están muy contentos, wand mino y demás son unos vendidos?
La opinión publica va a mejor aunque no te guste, todo se andará amigo jeje.
Silva y gsp se ha hablado pero no se ha llegado a pactar, es tan desigual que a mi ni me llama, son de diferentes pesos.
Si te dan una oportunidad al titulo por tu cara bonita y lo ganas no veo el problema.
M1 fuera yakuza fuera. Zuffa 2 mafia 0.
Quote:In January of 2001, the ailing reality fighting contest known as The Ultimate Fighting Championship, was purchased from its founder, the SEG CORPORATION by ZUFFA LLC. Three men, Frank Fertitta III, his younger brother Lorenzo Fertitta and their brother in law, the low profile but nonetheless powerful, Blake Sartini, are the owners of ZUFFA LLC. (note: Dana White isn't an owner, he's just a figure-head)
The Maceo-Fertitta gang was responsible for funding many things in the Galveston community and despite obvious connections to the New Orleans mob; no one dared to complain about the criminal benefactors of the town. In fact those that did complain usually ended up sleeping with the fishes, according to local legend.
The Maceo-Fertitta gang wielded great power and most of the other mobsters knew better than to tread on their turf. The Chicago crime czar Al Capone had heard about the lucrative gambling and bootleg empire that the Maceos and Fertittas had built in Galveston and he wanted some of that action. He planned to at first become a partner with them and then muscle them out of the picture once he had his hooks firmly embedded. Al Capone sent his main man Frank Nitti to Galveston to intimidate the Maceos into allowing Capone to "invest" in their businesses. The Maceos received word of Nitti's impending arrival and they decided that they would flat-out refuse any offers from Nitti on behalf of Capone to take a piece of their illegal gambling pie.
They decided to call on the skills of the most ruthless member of their family's gang, Maceo In-Law, Anthony Fertitta. Nitti arrived in town and was introduced to the Maceos and to Anthony Fertitta, Fertitta told Nitti that they needed to talk and he took Nitti for a drive in his car. The two men were gone for several hours and it is not clear what events took place during that time. All that is known is that Nitti was dropped at the city limits very late that evening, he appeared to be shaken but alive and well. No one knows what took place during the car ride but when Nitti made it back to Chicago, he told Capone that the Fertittas were no pushovers and it would require an all out war to move in on their territory. Capone never pursued it any further.
Sam Maceo, was the brain behind the Maceo-Fertitta empire and he was directly under the control of New Orleans mob boss Carlos Marcello, who later would be linked to the assassination of JFK. Sam also helped the pioneer Vegas hotelier, Moe Dalitz to get a gaming licence for The Desert Inn Las Vegas's first casino, not very long before his death. Papa Rose and Big Sam had both passed away by the 1950's and many of the remaining Maceo's and the dealers who worked in their illegal casinos moved out to Las Vegas.
Here is a link to some recent crimes they have done:
Frank Fertitta Jr. is founder and former chairman of Station Casinos. Federal investigations linked him to a money-skimming operation in 1985, but he was never charged or sanctioned. Nonetheless, Missouri gaming officials in 1992 refused to issue a gambling permit to Station unless the company guaranteed Fertitta would have no part in its management, according to published reports.
Blake Sartini is co-founder and former chief operating officer of Nevada-based Station Casinos. While he was with that business, Station lost its Missouri gambling license after other company executives ignored a subpoena to testify in a corruption probe. Sartini was not called to testify. Station later paid more than $1 million in fines for several offenses, including allowing juveniles to gamble.
Old California money shuns Vegas "neuvo riche"
Beware of newcomers bearing gifts
INSIDE VEGAS by Steve Miller
December 5, 2005
NEWPORT BEACH, CA.- For the past decade, a group of Las Vegas movers and shakers have lived part time in lavish beach homes in Laguna Beach and Newport Beach, California. Those residing in the private enclaves comprise a list of colorful expatriates who need complete privacy to conduct their business affairs, especially those dealing with their Sin City fortunes, and the lives of those who live in Las Vegas full time.
This privileged group is not subject to the humiliation of walking barefoot through T.S.A. checkpoints at public airports, or fighting traffic on I-15 to access their esoteric sanctuaries. Our barons and baronesses whisk back and forth to the coast in just thirty minutes from private jet facilities at McCarran International Airport in Vegas, and John Wayne Airport in Orange County. Both executive terminals are secluded and heavily guarded to keep out the general public or snoopy reporters.
I'm quite familiar with such places. I once owned a small charter airline service based at McCarran. Though I flew propellor driven planes, the privacy of my clients was my foremost goal, including keeping secret their passenger lists, destinations, and schedules.
Las Vegas Executive Terminal - McCarran Airport Atlantic Aviation - John Wayne Airport
Sometimes, if I had a good repore with a client and liked where they were going, I'd take the day off from office duties, put on a pilot shirt and leather bomber jacket, and fly the plane. John Wayne Airport was a regular stop. On several occasions at Orange County, my passengers asked me to drive them to their favorite beach side restaurants or shops. (a generous gratuity usually followed). On those occasions, I was exposed to the world of the Las Vegas Jet Set -- folks who enjoyed spending money and bragging: "I'd like to introduce Steve, my personal pilot." Then I would enjoy a great lunch or dinner while being completely ignored.
Sometimes, my clients would want to spend the night and fly off to another destination the following day. On such occasions, they would put me up in one of Laguna or Newport's finest hotels while paying for my down time. Those were the days!
Of course, my list of clients is confidential, but it didn't include any of those who comprise the current group of beach home owners who hang out at their own exclusive Fashion Island watering hole where they call the shots for the future of Sin City, and now wish to pick and choose the next Sheriff of Orange County.
Built exclusively for them by Vegas restaurateur Fred Glusman (and a few suspected others), the Newport Beach Ritz was designed to be the gathering place for the new Vegas invaders.
Folks including former Mayor Jan Jones, current Mayor Oscar Goodman, topless nightclub owner Rick Rizzolo, MGM CEO Terry Lanni, Stations Casino owner Frank Fertitta, Jr. and COO Blake Sartini, and Bruce Becker who owns Becker Gaming Inc., and their guests make the Ritz a hot spot.
Like my former clients and passengers, the latest crowd covets privacy, hence their propensity to hang at Glusman's place -- a restaurant too expensive for snoopy reporters and average FBI agents.
Nonetheless, the Orange County Register last month caught wind of a May 2005, political fundraiser Glusman hosted at the Ritz for embattled O.C. Sheriff Mike Carona. According to the Register, Carona is having a problem keeping away from mob type characters and folks with questionable pasts. Guess who were identified as having questionable pasts? All of a sudden, the Vegas crowd's coveted privacy became a public spectacle!
On November 28, Register columnist Martin Wisckol identified several of Glusman's best Sin City customers including Rizzolo, Fertitta, Becker, and Sartini. His description of these men is anything but flattering. In Vegas, these guys are considered "pillars of the community," and are mostly off limits to bad press. But in Orange County, a long time resident told me they're quietly being called "neuvo riche," or "carpetbaggers," and are fair game for the local press.
Orange County is the conservative stronghold of mainly liberal California. Recently, the ultra conservative readers of the Register were treated to some scandalous, but seldom known information about Vegas' pillars -- people who represent Sin City businesses with outrageous advertising budgets that for years have kept their executive's names out of the paper, unless it was for something they approved such as their generous gifts to charity.Top
monaroCountry View Public Profile Send a private message to monaroCountry Find More Posts by monaroCountry Add monaroCountry to Your Contacts 06-30-2011, 12:34 AM
#2 monaroCountry
ESB Senior Member
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Re: UFC's connection to the Mafia
Carona's colorful cast of campaign contributors
The Orange County Register
Monday, November 28, 2005
If Sheriff Mike Carona ever has cause to bone up on the casino business, he won't need to look further than his campaign donors. That list includes at least four Las Vegas entrepreneurs whose businesses have had brushes with the law. Each has contributed the maximum $1,500 to Carona's re-election bid.
Earlier this month, the Register wrote about Rick Rizzolo, owner of the Crazy Horse Too strip club. The club is under federal investigation for racketeering. In 1985, Rizzolo pleaded guilty to attacking a patron with a baseball bat. Carona adviser Mike Schroeder tells us that the sheriff is returning that donation.
The others:
Frank Fertitta Jr. is founder and former chairman of Station Casinos. Federal investigations linked him to a money-skimming operation in 1985, but he was never charged or sanctioned. Nonetheless, Missouri gaming officials in 1992 refused to issue a gambling permit to Station unless the company guaranteed Fertitta would have no part in its management, according to published reports.
Bruce Becker owns Becker Gaming Inc., which donated to the sheriff. In 1995, Becker was charged with 18 misdemeanors for allegedly misleading regulators on an application for his gaming license, according to published reports. The charges were dismissed because the one-year statute of limitations had expired.
Blake Sartini is co-founder and former chief operating officer of Nevada-based Station Casinos. While he was with that business, Station lost its Missouri gambling license after other company executives ignored a subpoena to testify in a corruption probe. Sartini was not called to testify. Station later paid more than $1 million in fines for several offenses, including allowing juveniles to gamble.
Schroeder said that Carona knew none of these contributors and that they apparently had been invited to the same May fundraiser by a Carona supporter who knew them.
"There's no way we're going to know the background on all these people," Schroeder said. "Besides Rizzolo, I don't think any of these guys have been convicted of anything. Give me something about what they've done wrong, and I'll look at giving their money back."
Originalmente escrito por Tanith Ver mensajeQue tengan que pactar el peso no quiere decir que no se hayan pegado ya n ese peso (pacquioMoney).
Silva y gsp se ha hablado pero no se ha llegado a pactar, es tan desigual que a mi ni me llama, son de diferentes pesos.
Si te dan una oportunidad al titulo por tu cara bonita y lo ganas no veo el problema.
Por ahora están a menos de 10 euros, cuando suba a un precio normal ya me contaras. Hay gente con buena conexión y prefiere verlo en directo.
M1 fuera yakuza fuera. Zuffa 2 mafia 0.
Eventos cada 2 semanas.
Luchadores que estaban en otras organizaciones ahora en zurda están muy contentos, wand mino y demás son unos vendidos?
La opinión publica va a mejor aunque no te guste, todo se andará amigo jeje.
Originalmente escrito por Pankration Ver mensajeY si además los que te pagan el sueldo y te hacen el matchmaking conveniente tampoco quieren, estamos jodidos.
Ayyy,si yo supise o quisiese trolear.
Gracias Pankra por recordar como están las cosas HOY EN DÍA en este deporte.
Ojala con el tiempo algo cambie(o alguien).
Al menos sabemos que Dana piensa como Shonnen sobre Fedor y ello ya es una garantia.Fedor:3 victorias-3 derrotas.
A partir de ahora los que hablen bien de Fedor seran despedidos de Ufc(lo digo yo)
Es un simil de la censura y el monopolio de Ufc.
Aun voy a tener que darles las gracias por ver Mma:mad:.
Esta conversación he escuchado yo esta tarde en una cafetería. Textual:
- Los PPV están baratos
- Los pondrán caros algún día!!!! es el fin!!!!!
- ¿Pero por qué no disfrutas mientras?
- EL FIN!!!!!!
- Ya... oye, Las mma en Japón van cuesta abajo ¿que no?
- Culpa de Zuffa!!!
- ¿Zuffa? ¿En los problemas para conseguir contratos de tv de Dream y Sengoku? ¿En la bicefalia incipiente de Shooto?
- He-di-cho-Zu-ffa
- Sip... Viste el karate kid de Machida a Randy, y lo que le hizo Anderson a Belfort... bufff, y KZ aplicándole un twister a Leo Garcia, y la rodilla voladora de Condit a Kim, y no quiero mencionar el Faber vs. Cruz o el Aldo vs. Hominick, o a Jones o Cain, la leche...
- Amarre, verja, amarre, me duermo, verja, verja, amarre, sueño, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
- Sí, un poco sí... oye y ¿te acuerdas? antes en USA apenas tenías UFC, después salió EliteXC y tal... pero ahora la leche, que si Bellator, que si Shark, Tachi, Titan, Legacy, ProElite,... cada vez más eventos de nivel medio-alto ¿no?
- Mongopolios, mongopolios eeeeeverywhere, eliminan competencia y no me dejan ver más mmaaaarrrrrgh (y quiero, pero no hay más para ver)
- Oye pues cada vez estos se curran más el cuidado a sus empleados ¿no? que si seminarios, bonuses, seguros...
- Esclavos, esclavos del negrero calvo, del matchmaker que dice a dedo quién es campeón, esto debería ser como en boxeo y que los luchadores rijan su destino!!
- ORLY? Este... ¿Arum, Haymon, Don King, duBoef, Taffet, Tramper, Sulaiman, Schaefer... todos luchadores?
- tolonterías, muchos boxers tienen su propia promotora
- OK! Me paso al boxeo pues, porque es más divertido, lo ve más gente, y los luchadores son hombre libres. Es lo mejor!!!!
Palabrita del niño Jesús. Y se fueron de la mano.
;)Última edición por teseo; 08-05-2011, 11:23 PM.