Desde hace unos días ha ido cobrando fuerza el próximo 10 de septiembre como fecha definitiva para las semis del GP, pero Overeem le ha dicho a Ariel Heiwani en su programa que nanai, que a él le han propuesto esa fecha pero que la ha rechazado porque la considera muy prematura y quiere recuperarse bien de su pelea con Werdum. Dice que desde que la rechazó, ha estado sufriendo amenazas de Zuffa diciéndole que podría ser eliminado definitivamente del torneo si no acepta la fecha. Y no le gusta que le amenacen, lógicamente, así que ahora por sus cojones que no pelea.
"That is not going to take place," Overeem told Helwani. "Stikeforce has requested me to accept the fight for Sept. 10, to agree on that, but I have not agreed on it and I also had some emails, some questions asked, is the fight confirmed? No, the fight is not confirmed. I do not confirm it and I will not confirm it."
"What's going to happen next, I don't know. I've had some threats of cutting me out of the tournament if I don't participate. I don't know if they're going to do it. Personally, I don't like to be threatened. If people start talking like that my guest, but then I'm really not going to sing to their tune."
"For them to unilaterally declare, okay, [September 10] is going to be the second round, which I never agreed on, and then threaten me if I don't want it, it...doesn't really show a lot of respect," he said.
"What's going to happen next, I don't know. I've had some threats of cutting me out of the tournament if I don't participate. I don't know if they're going to do it. Personally, I don't like to be threatened. If people start talking like that my guest, but then I'm really not going to sing to their tune."
"For them to unilaterally declare, okay, [September 10] is going to be the second round, which I never agreed on, and then threaten me if I don't want it, it...doesn't really show a lot of respect," he said.