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Futuras Estrellas de las mma

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  • #31
    Edson "Mendes Junior" Barboza (8-0-0)

    The industry pioneer in UFC, Bellator and all things MMA (aka Ultimate Fighting). MMA news, interviews, pictures, videos and more since 1997.

    Otro Brasileño del mismo estilo Teseo, ya debutado en UFC.

    Archivos adjuntos
    Última edición por teseo; 06-26-2011, 04:04 PM.


    • #32
      Ese pibe es una máquina, en mi firma está desde que debutó en UFC. Con Njoukani a ratos lo pasó medio mal, pero apunta muy alto el chico


      • #33
        Es parecido a los que habiamos comentado verdad, a mi me mola


        • #34
          Sí, de hecho a Barboza la primera vez que le vi me recordó mucho a Aldo. Es un bichaco, a ver lo lejos que puede llegar en la piscina de tiburones que es la categoría ligera de UFC...


          • #35
            En Father destacaria a Bodgan Cristea


            • #36
              Bogdan Christea se hizo conocido por la guerra que tuvo con Daisuke Nakamura, aunque no se la edad que tiene, y no sé si ha hecho suficiente para considerarlo una "futura estrella de mma". Peso Feather = Pluma. Father= Padre ;)


              • #37
                Papy "Makambo" Abedi (8-0-0)

                The industry pioneer in UFC, Bellator and all things MMA (aka Ultimate Fighting). MMA news, interviews, pictures, videos and more since 1997.

                El compañero de equipo de Alexander Gustaffson se ha labrado una buena reputación en la escena europea, y no debería tardar en tener su oportunidad en las grandes ligas. Cinturón negro de judo, Abedy recuerda un poco a Kevin Randleman, muy atlético, con buenos derribos y g&p agresivo, y sin miedo a soltar manos en pie. Tiene tendencia a perder ritmo a medida que avanza el combate, pero puede llegar lejos en la categoría media.


                • #38
                  Segúin sherdog ha fichado por UFC. Tengo que reconocer que no conocía a este luchador.


                  • #39
                    Este ultimo que has puesto Teseo al ver los videos me da un aire a Lombard


                    • #40
                      A entrado en el ranking es joven y no hablamos de edad pq han puesto a Reza Madadi q tiene unos treinta y tantos.. el timepo hablara.


                      • #41
                        Hombre el record de Bogdea es discretillo aún (8-4-1), el tío es divertido de ver, y lleva una racha de tres victorias consecutivas. Si alguien te secunda, no veo inconveniente en meterle en la lista de la página 1. Para eso está este hilo vaya


                        • #42
                          Tampoco te fijes tanto en el record q no es q haya perdido contra paketes..


                          • #43
                            Pero es mayorcete no cangrejo?


                            • #44
                              Pues mirando el panorama estatal un luchador que para mí es un muy serio candidato, además de los internacionales Abner Lloveras, Rogent Lloret, Oriol Gaset y Juanma Suárez, es David Pesudo; como le pesa la mano, que maravilla...

                              A pesar del eterno problema de este país de la falta de continuidad en combates, es muy dificil el profesionalismo en éstas condiciones

                              Muy interesante el hilo



                              • #45
                                Como dijo Teseo, Marcos Pezao y Guto Inocente firman 4 peleas con SF.

                                Brazilian prospect Marcos Pezao signs with Strikeforce, Debut in September
                                Photo by Marcelo Alonso
                                Brazilian prospect Marcos Pezao signed with Strikeforce

                                Unbeaten in his eight fights, Brazilian light heavyweight prospect Marcos Pezão signed with Strikeforce. The athlete from Barbosa MMA accorded with Zuffa to a four-fights contract last Tuesday and should make his debut in September, against opponent yet to be determined. "The staff of Strikeforce had interest in signing with me, and today I finally signed the contract. I'm thirsty to fight and happy like hell to have signed with one of the biggest events in the world and having a good time to prepare. This category is very strong, has Dan Henderson, Feijão, Mo Lawal, and even Fedor, if he go down in weight category. It's the best there is in MMA and I can train hard to catch these guys", said Pezao, exclusively to PVT. Aware he could sign with Strikeforce, the athlete was already plotting his plan of training at Barbosa MMA team and studying where his game needed to improve to make a good stateside debut. "I want to work well my physical, get strong, because some friends that fighting there have told me that the difference is the strength of the gringos. I will switch training in São Paulo and Rio, in Nova União, and hopefully come up with a good shape, and wrestling and grappling sharper. So I can drop my kickboxing, which is what I know more", he said.
                                Pezao's last appearance was in October 2010, against former WEC champ Paulo Filho, at "First Class Fight", and ended with his only victory without a knockout or submission. To have three good rounds against one of the MMA legends motivates the new Strikeforce fighter.
                                "When I fought against Filho, he had only one defeat, for Chael Sonnen. It was a tough fight, alternated, I worked well all areas, and he did not relieve me as I saw after he relieving, lowering his guard ... The idea was to make three rounds, did not leave for the knockout, and to gain experience against a high-level guy. I will go fine for Strikeforce, I will seek to prove I can be on top", he said.
                                Another Brazilian who signed recently with Strikeforce was Guto Inocente that, as the new partner of event, is originated from Kickboxing. Because they are friends and train together several times, Pezão says that would be a dream fight against him in a title shot. "Fighting is fighting. There's no one that I refuse to fight today. I don't have attached tail, I fight against who comes. Of course I have training partners, as Guto Inocente, it would be something very special to me if I could face him in a title fight. It would be an opportunity to give a show to Brazil and the world showing the school of kickboxing", he added.

