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Sí sí, pero Guerrero también lleva buena mierda soltada, lo que pasa es que es un trash-talker Nu Gen, es decir por twitter, faceboock y todo eso.Luego después en el medio analógico se desenvuelve de otra manera xD
"I'm under contract with Showtime and CBS, so a fighter that I made famous, Canelo, how can he give me an ultimatum? When I was his age, I was champion too. Where he's at compared to where I was at, if you pull up the record, I don't remember everyone I fought by that time, but I fought Genaro Hernandez and Angel Manfredy when Angel Manfredy just gout finished beating Arturo Gatti. I fought solid, top competition. I'm not going to say that he can't fight or he's not a good fighter, but how can I let a 22-year-old kid, who just got into the sport of boxing, give me an ultimatum..No fighter is going to give me an ultimatum. How can a fighter that ain't never been on pay-per-view without me give an ultimatum," Mayweather explained. "You know, tell him [Canelo] to do his own pay-per-view show if he's such a big name. Let's see if he's going to do his own pay-per-view show. I bet he don't. Man, his red-head, freckle-faced ass better just sit back and wait in line. If I feel like choosing him, I'll choose him. If you get a lottery ticket, then you step up to the plate and you get your payday. Right now, Guerrero has his lottery ticket."