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Altercado Baroni, Leben y Penn

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  • Altercado Baroni, Leben y Penn

    From the Wrestling Observer newsletter (

    "After the UFC show on 11/19, many of the fighters went to Pure, a night club in Caesar's Palace. Phil Baroni was there, and apparently way out of control. He saw Chris Leben, who UFC was attempting to match him up with, but it fell through, largely because Baroni was under contract to Pride. Baroni, pissed off and angry, approached Leben. Leben, seeing the state Baroni was in, stayed very calm. Baroni asked Leben if he wanted to fight him, and Leben said, "No, you would probably kill me," smartly diffusing the situation. However, Baroni then saw a MMA website reporter who apparently had made a lot of cracks about Baroni and steroids, and punched the guy in the face. The reporter was sitting with B.J. Penn, who stepped in and told Baroni to cool it. Baroni, who was holding a drink, put his drink down and then challenged Penn to go at it. Unlike Leben, Penn was ready, but it was broken up by security because a punch had been thrown (at the reporter) and Baroni was out of there."
    To Perita Style

  • #2
    Altercado Baroni, Leben y Penn

    Baroni creando amigos.........


    • #3
      Altercado Baroni, Leben y Penn

      q payaso


      • #4
        Altercado Baroni, Leben y Penn

        Tenia que haberle dado alguno de los dos una buena dejarle dormido.


        • #5
          Altercado Baroni, Leben y Penn

          como minimo


          • #6
            Altercado Baroni, Leben y Penn

            es un putas este baroni eh..


            • #7
              Altercado Baroni, Leben y Penn

              mala persona si


              • #8
                Altercado Baroni, Leben y Penn

                Si ya lo decia yo..... :)


                • #9
                  Altercado Baroni, Leben y Penn

                  No aprenderá, y pensaba que se habia calmado un poco!!


                  • #10
                    Altercado Baroni, Leben y Penn

                    solo hay q ver lo chulo q es en las entrevistas o cuando sale al combate

