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The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

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  • The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

    The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

    Buenas chicos, aqui os presento un pequeño video sobre la pasión y la creencia en la MMA en lo que puede convertirse lo imposible en posible. El HL esta inspirado sobre un anuncio de nike emitido en Youtube en el 2009
    entoces decidi tomar la cancion y ser creativo y poner un giro sobre la MMA. La Voz es cortesia de John Doman, Y la música de fondo es de Explosions in the Sky.

    Me encantaria conocer vuestra opinión. Y que comentéis tanto en el Foro como en mi blog. un saludo.

    The Belief of MMA By Machinemen




  • #2
    Re: The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

    Un 10 machine. La edicion es magnifica y las imagenes espectaculares. Muy guapo tio.


    • #3
      Re: The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

      muy bueno!!!
      por cierto la cancion del video passion que dedicas a pride, ¿de quien es?


      • #4
        Re: The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

        Originalmente escrito por SAKU
        Un 10 machine. La edicion es magnifica y las imagenes espectaculares. Muy guapo tio.
        Mil gracias SAKU ;)

        Originalmente escrito por noty
        muy bueno!!!
        por cierto la cancion del video passion que dedicas a pride, ¿de quien es?
        Gracias noty ;), la cancion de pasión es de: maybeshewill he films the clouds pt 2

        Aqui te lo dejo en descarga:


        • #5
          Re: The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

          Muy bueno!en tu linea crack!


          • #6
            Re: The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

            brutal,como siempre


            • #7
              Re: The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

              Grande machine. Enhorabuena y gracias una vez más!


              • #8
                Re: The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

                Gracias, gumdo, marduk y teseo ;)


                • #9
                  Re: The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

                  Me reitero en lo que dije sobre tu HL de Shogun...
                  Creia que era tu mejor HL, hasta que he visto este....que pasada!!!!!
                  Como no sabia que era imposible, fué y lo hizo...


                  • #10
                    Re: The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

                    haz lo que quieras !! harias un highlight mio???


                    • #11
                      Re: The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

                      Brillante :o :o


                      • #12
                        Re: The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

                        Un video muy bueno, enhorabuena!!


                        • #13
                          Re: The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

                          Originalmente escrito por marveluss
                          Me reitero en lo que dije sobre tu HL de Shogun...
                          Creia que era tu mejor HL, hasta que he visto este....que pasada!!!!!
                          Gracias por los halagos marveluss ;)

                          Originalmente escrito por binnie
                          haz lo que quieras !! harias un highlight mio???
                          Cuanto me pagas ;D

                          Originalmente escrito por Camurria
                          Brillante :o :o
                          Gracias Camurria ;)

                          Originalmente escrito por water_rober
                          Un video muy bueno, enhorabuena!!
                          Gracias por el comentario water_rober.


                          • #14
                            Re: The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

                            Una lastima que no haya una version española :-[ , de todas formas aqui os dejo el texto en ingles, para que entendéis mas o menos lo que dice.

                            I love being the underdog

                            Two and a half weeks out from Lake Stevens my first of hopefully many M-dot events and I am pumped. Training has been going really well. I am swimming well. I am swimming straight. Watts are up. Running stride is smooth. Weight is down. This last one is kind of a bad thing though as my wetsuit and speed suits are starting to feel a little too baggy. The best part is I am feeling fresh and confidant. Too many times have I approached the build towards an important races as the make or break it. If I don't do this things will go not just wrong but terrible. This time things are different. I know I am fit and going to rock the race. What I do in the prep is just a bonus. I know that the things that are going to make me succeed are not the numbers on my power meters, or the time on my watch during workouts its the other things. The sleeping right, the eating right, the stretching, staying organized and stress free.

                            As far as I can tell the field is going to be stacked. There are a lot of great athletes who have Lake Stevens on there Race Schedule. At first this got me pretty nervous. But now its got me excited. Bring it. This is my first chance to prove myself on an international long distance stage and I am going to make the most of it. I may not have the experience, reputation, and fan following that many of my competitors will have. But, I am fit, confidant, hungry and most importantly read to get Ugly out there. These are a deadly combination. I love being the underdog. I love turning peoples heads and having them say "Who is that guy?". When it comes to talking about upsets I think the narrator from this clip says it better than I could.

                            Here's the thing that makes life so interesting: The Theory of Evolution claims that "only the strong shall survive". Maybe so, maybe so. But the Theory of Competition says "just because they're the strong doesn't mean they can't get their asses kicked". That's right. See, what every long shot come from behind underdog will tell you is this: The other guy may in fact be the favorite, the odds may be turned against you. Fair enough... But what the odds don't know is this isn't a math test. This is a completely different kind of test. One where passion has a funny way of trumping logic. So before you step up to the starting line, before the whistle blows and the clock starts ticking, just remember: out here, the results don't always add up. No matter what the stats may say and the experts may think and the commentators may have predicted, when the race is on, all bets are off. Don't be surprised if someone decides to flip the script and take a pass on yelling "Uncle". And then suddenly, as the old saying goes, "We got ourselves a game"


                            • #15
                              Re: The Belief of MMA By Machinemen

                              Excelente..... Muy muy muy bueno como todos tus videos...

                              Lo puedo poner en mi facebook ?... Con tu direccion y diciendo que lo hiciste tu obiamente n_n.

                              Es ke me dan ganas de mostrarselo a muchos y es mas facil poniendolo en facebook para que lo vean.

