Vaya ida de pinza de Zuffa y Dana White :o
Lo explica Josh Gross, desde Sports Illustrated
o39;según múltiples fuentes, Sherdog recibió una notificación el domingo, dos horas antes de la apertura de puertas del 1stBank Center de Colorado, por parte de un empleado de UFC, en la que les informaban de que sus acreditaciones quedaban revocadas de forma indefinida "por una decisión ejecutiva".o39;
o39;Al ser preguntado sobre las causas de este veto, Dana White respondió a con un simple "no son vuestros putos* asuntos"o39;
*putos/jodidos/... poned la palabra que queráis.
o39;Sherdog habia tenido el acceso prohibido a eventos de UFC entre 2005 y 2009, cuando recuperó ese derecho, que hoy vuelve a perder.o39;
Lo explica Josh Gross, desde Sports Illustrated
Two hours before doors opened Sunday at the 1stBank Center in Broomfield, Colo., a UFC official informed -- the largest independent MMA media site on the Web, the official MMA content partner for, and my home as an executive editor from 2004-2008 -- that its access had been pulled indefinitely because of a "executive decision," multiple sources confirmed to
Asked to comment on the decision to revoke Sherdog.como39;s access, UFC president Dana Whitetold via text that his reasoning was "none of your [expletive] business."
Darius Ortiz, the editor in charge of boxing and mixed martial arts for, and founder Jeff Sherwood declined to comment on the UFCo39;s position. went without access to the UFC from late 2005 until the middle of 2009, when it was allowed to return Octagon-side.
Asked to comment on the decision to revoke Sherdog.como39;s access, UFC president Dana Whitetold via text that his reasoning was "none of your [expletive] business."
Darius Ortiz, the editor in charge of boxing and mixed martial arts for, and founder Jeff Sherwood declined to comment on the UFCo39;s position. went without access to the UFC from late 2005 until the middle of 2009, when it was allowed to return Octagon-side.
o39;Al ser preguntado sobre las causas de este veto, Dana White respondió a con un simple "no son vuestros putos* asuntos"o39;
*putos/jodidos/... poned la palabra que queráis.
o39;Sherdog habia tenido el acceso prohibido a eventos de UFC entre 2005 y 2009, cuando recuperó ese derecho, que hoy vuelve a perder.o39;