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Vale Tudo Japan - 10/30/2009: After Ten Years, VTJ is Back!
Re: Vale Tudo Japan - 10/30/2009: After Ten Years, VTJ is Back!
Primer emparejamiento oficial anunciado en la rueda de prensa de hoy:
Lion Takeshi vs. Alexandre Franca Nogueira!
Mas la participacion de Gomi y Sato.
[i]Fights are either 3 5 minute rounds or 5 5 minute rounds.
2. There will be judgment decisions.
3. Knees and stomps to the head of a grounded opponent are legal but not soccer kicks (same as SENGOKU).
The card will consist of around 8 fights. Fighters who haven
Re: Vale Tudo Japan - 10/30/2009: After Ten Years, VTJ is Back!
Las reglas seran como las de Sengoku:
1. Fights are either 3 5 minute rounds or 5 5 minute rounds.
2. There will be judgment decisions.
3. Knees and stomps to the head of a grounded opponent are legal but not soccer kick