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entrevista michael bisping ufc 100

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  • entrevista michael bisping ufc 100

    la fuente es la pagina web del ufc
    "Dan Henderson is a legend in the sport, I suppose that's a fair description. You only have to look at his record, he's fought the who's who of Mixed Martial Arts. He really has fought all the big names and beat a lot of them aswell."

    "His last fight he beat Rich Franklin, there's only two other people in the world who've ever done that and Rich Franklin is one of the best out there. The guy's no joke. I could be underestimating him massively but when I watch him, I don't see a problem for me to be honest. If I go out there and fight the way I know i can fight then i know i can beat him."

    "He may be one of the best wrestlers out there but i've learnt how to deal with those guys. I wrestle everyday, day in day out. My takedowns are good now, my takedown defense is good. If people take me down and i think i've shown this when i've fought those wrestlers, they take me down, i just get straight back up. I've got my technique down i know how to get up. I know 20 different ways to get back to my fee. I could scramble up or i could do set routines."

    "I realised a long time ago coming from England, we don't have the high school wrestling or the college wrestling, that i might get outwrestled a lot, so i started on my back in jiu jitsu, every time i sparred i started on my back. To anticipate being in that position and to escape that position. And now i'm happy with it and it's paid off, i'd say i'm virtually impossible to hold down"

    "He has his big right hand, i very rarely get hit and people have said i'm a pain in the ass to hit and a pain in the ass to spar with. I think i'm going to be too quick for him. I don't think he's gonna land that big shot. No one's landed that big shot on me yet. I'm not saying i haven't been hit but i've never been put on my ass yet. I haven't been knocked out and i don't see dan henderson. No disrespect to 38 years of age, but he's gotta be slowing down, he's gotta be, no two ways about it. I don't think he's gonna catch me with it. And if he does then this arm (left arm) will be there to block it and this arm (left arm) will be there to counter."

    "I feel i'm getting better and better all the time. I feel people have not seen my full range of skills, far from it. I'm at a point where i'm very happy with my wrestling, jiu jitsu and striking. Not just that i feel more at home in the octagon and when i fight in there i'm getting used to it a bit more now, i'm not going in there as the new guy anymore, you could say i'm a veteran of the sport now. Everytime i fight i feel a little bit more of myself able to pull off the type of stuff i can pull off. There's no reason why i shouldn't win this fight."

    "Dan Henderson's tough and i'm expecting to come out of the fight definitely with a sore jaw and to be tested and put in positions i've never been in but i think if i fight to my full potential then it's certainly a fight that i can win."

  • #2
    Re: entrevista michael bisping ufc 100

    que modesto.......... :-X :-X :-X


    • #3
      Re: entrevista michael bisping ufc 100

      Pues para mi tiene más razón que un santo, va a ganar a Hendo.


      • #4
        Re: entrevista michael bisping ufc 100

        Su Wrestling es bueno, su defensa tambien etc..etc.. mas vale que Hendo no suba a la jaula jaja. Aunque lo cierto creo que va a estar igualado.


        • #5
          Re: entrevista michael bisping ufc 100

          hendo es mucho hendo...
          "Things you focus on will grow bigger, so focus on positivity" Marloes Coenen


          • #6
            Re: entrevista michael bisping ufc 100

            Que no suba tan confiado que se puede llevar una sorpresa...

            voy con Hendo ;D


            • #7
              Re: entrevista michael bisping ufc 100

              Mi comentario era en tono irónico evidentemente voy con Hendo como siempre


              • #8
                Re: entrevista michael bisping ufc 100

                Bisping, habla mucho, pero el chico es bueno.


                • #9
                  Re: entrevista michael bisping ufc 100

                  Voy con Hendo 100% demasiadas guerras ha tenido como para perder con este.
                  La única posibilidad que le veo al inglés es una decisión si corretea durante todo el combate,lo que está claro es que no tiene armas para finalizar al americano.
                  La verdad es que nunca me gustó Bisping, no me van los strikers sin poder de ko.Y como Dan lo coja con una bomba de derechas le arranca la cabeza.


                  • #10
                    Re: entrevista michael bisping ufc 100

                    esque yo lo veo excesivamente arrogante frente a un tio como hendo duro de cojones, de los mejoreswrestlers que hay y no le veo a bisping capaz de escapar de un ground an pound brutal de hendo. Lo que no entiendo por que está constantemente hendo subiendo y bajando de medios a semi pesados y biceversa.

